Thursday, January 12, 2012

Love and speeding tickets sweet love can overcome anything...right?

Love hangs in there even when your dearest brings home a speeding ticket...
and then to top that off you find out that it was in a school zone.
 {meaning that the fine is doubled and we get to donate over $200
to the wonderful state of Michigan}

Realizing that I have gotten a couple speeding tickets in my lifetime I really can't say much...but I did.

"Seriously????  IN A SCHOOL ZONE???  Were you paying attention??" 

Then he nicely reminds me that he never once chided me when I got one...and he is right
{another *ouch*}
That was Monday...I am over it now and I love that man!
He didn't do it intentionally and who am I to judge!
{I am working on this...not being so quick to judge}

We will chalk this up to a lesson learned and move on.
The whole story is that he was called from the plant he works in to go to the sister plant
in a different town and he got the ticket on his way home from that destination.
 My theory is that had they not called him over there he would not have gotten it. {LOL}
Don't you love my logic? ha!

All that aside...{had to vent a little}...I have been working on cute little tags for Valentines day...

and I pulled out this beautiful vintage Valentine card also.

If you think that you just must have some,  stick $4.00 in an envelope and drop it in the mail {$3.00 for tags and $1.00 for shipping} and I will send you an assortment of 13 tags packaged in a cute little envelope. You can do most anything with them. Add a tiny hole and ribbon and attatch to a package, embellish cards, etc. If you need my addy convo me. I am not planning to list these on Etsy. Thank you!
Happy Thursday everyone and watch your speed!  :)


  1. Ouch ! ! Just remember ... for better or worse or speeding tickets!! LOL!!
    Have a Great Day!!

  2. Oh Sandi, that fine does hurt.
    My daughter found out the hard way that in a school zone, no passing means no passing. It doesn't matter how many lanes there are, you can't pass another driven at all.....that one hurt too! HA
    Love the tags,

  3. Sigh. My hubby just got a speeding ticket last week. I didn't stay very silent either. I was so upset. Really, there are so many better ways to spend $130.
    I haven't had a ticket since I was 20 - way before I met my hubby. But I know if I ever get one I will not hear the end of it - and rightly so!
    But you are right, love overcomes even a speeding ticket!!

  4. Yikes...I know how it feels..except my hubby keeps getting them. he is also a yellow light he goes out of his way to stay away from the lights. He is warned every day before he leaves the house to NOT bring home a ticket! My hubby is a rebel..he's say's he's not speeding that the limits are too your tags....

  5. Oh so easy to happen.... other thoughts on our minds... I certainly have caught myself doing some dumb things behind the wheel at times also....

  6. Oh Sandi, I guess it could happen to us all......!!
    I love your cute Valentine tags- the motives are so sweet-and the text too.
    Hugs and happy evening.

  7. Sandi, I love those sweet tags. I have to tell you this ticket story..a man I worked with, said he got stop and the officer was getting ready to give him a ticket, so the man started to cry. The officer just gave him a warning. When I said "you cried !!" He said "hey a man 's gotta do what a man hasta do. " Smiles, Susie

  8. Sorry about the ticket. I did my time with tickets and high insurance OUCH! Hope you can give him a big hug and feel better!
    I love the tags! I will email you I would love some!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. Ooops! I forgot my blog was hacked so I started a new one Please stop by when you get a chance.
    Hugs, Lisa

  10. The tags are so sweet Sandi!
    Speeding ticket? I thought you were going to say he was hurrying home to see you!

  11. lol! That poor guy. He must have felt terrible and so embarrassed, Sandy! Love those sweet little tags you're making! Maybe you should hang one on his steering wheel...? lol!

    xoxo laurie

  12. Because you are a Kingdom girl and I love the stuff on your site, I gave you some linky love!


    You can see it here:



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