Friday, March 16, 2012

A special gift

I received this special birthday gift from my daughter when we visited them a couple weeks ago.

What makes this gorgeous bracelet so special?

Number one: I LOVE IT!
Number two: She always knows exactly what I love and gives me something from the heart
Number three: She is my daughter

Isn't it gorgeous?  What is better than the Eiffel tower and Paris? It has such pretty french charm.

Thank you dear daughter. Once again you blessed my heart and my soul!
Love you!


  1. Such a beautiful bracelet, what a thoughtful daughter. Hope your Birthday was extra special.
    Hugs Lynn

  2. That was just gorgeous. I have never seen a bracelet like that.
    You must be a fantastic mum, to get a fantastic daughter.

    Hugs Bente

  3. What a thoughtful daughter and a beautiful bracelet!

    Happy Birthday!
    Betty @ Country Charm

  4. Absolutely beautiful. What a lovely gift.

  5. Sandi, What sweet bracelet. It would look great with you wearing something pretty in pink :):) Lucky girl. Smiles to you, Susie(She Junks)

  6. Very, very pretty bracelet. What a wonderful daughter you have!

  7. oh how sweet...the bracelet AND your daughter! lucky you! ;)

  8. I also think the braclet is lovely... Charming gift... Enjoy

  9. Aw, you made me weepy. I'm so glad you like it. I <3 you mom!

  10. What a great gift, and especially from a great daughter.


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