Sunday, May 20, 2012

Family life with the grands

We have a busy family life these days and I haven't shared for awhile so wanted to do that.
Our beautiful little ballerina Keira had her first recital and we were not able to attend. I was so
bummed! :( Hubby got a different job a few weeks ago with different hours and it just didn't
work out. I can't wait until we get to see the video of her performance. She is so tiny and
dainty and such a beautiful little ballerina.

A very proud daddy he should be!
{our oldest son Jason}
Keira's mommy and daddy gave her roses after her performance. So sweet!!

Getting ready to perform I assume? Isn't she just so cute!!

 {All the photos above were taken by my son or his wife}

Five year old granddaughter Annika graduated from preschool last Thursday evening.
I didn't even know they had preschool graduations. I can't believe she
will be in kindergarten this fall! Where in the world has the time gone??

Contemplating her future maybe?? lol

Little sister Ainsley after the graduation. Both of these little girls are so busy!!
I do remember my kids being busy little beavers, but I could keep up better then! lol

Always on the move...

Annika was standing up front smiling and waving at all of us. The lighting was not
good at all for my camera and this is one of the decent shots I did get.

Always the spunky gal!  She twirls and whirls and just can't stand still most of the time! ha!

Hope you enjoyed playing catch up with me today along with three of our grandchildren.
We adore all seven of them and are so fortunate to be part of their everyday lives.
Some not as much as we would like since they live hours away, but thank God
for phones, internet and transportation!!


  1. What beauties your gr-kid-lings are Sandi. I love Annika's throwing herself out there with pride in that diploma.

    Kiera is just the most dainty precious ballerina ever. So sorry you missed the performance, but you were there in heart, sweet friend.

    Ainsley looks like a wee princess.

    Have a great day ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Oh my gosh Sandi... your little grandchildren are so adorable!... how very blessed you are... your little ballerina, your little graduate, and sweet baby sister learning from her big sisters... just priceless!... xoxo Julie Marie

  3. You have the cutest grandchildren!
    I love the pink tutu...I think we should all have pink tutu at some point in our lives!
    Sorry you missed the performance...I get the hubby working thing though...Bill has been working 6 days a week 10 hours a day for several months...It makes the day slow to a crawl and out projects come to a grinding halt.
    Sorry I haven't been about much...I have today down because I have a cold...but tomorrow...I must get back at it!
    I hope you have a blessed rest of this beautiful day
    Hugs from here

  4. Such sweet youngsters! You are surely blessed.

  5. Oh, Sandi, What precious little granddaughters you have. Our oldest granddaughter, Keri, is currently standing next to me deciding on a favorite cup cake for a ballet party we are planning. Her first recital is the same day as my niece's wedding and I don't want to miss the wedding ceremony. So, her parents are taping so we can watch it. I told her I would make cupcakes and we can have a little party while watching the tape together.

    Jason looks so happy with his beautiful baby girl!

    And, Annika (BTW Keri's best friend is named Annika or Anni for short) is adorable with her diploma.

    Ainsley couldn't be cuter in her denim skirt and pink sandals :)

  6. They are adorable! Time flies.

  7. Your little Grand daughters are dolls! I love the ballerina outfit. So adorable!

  8. How sweet and adorable. What a l life you have.

  9. I LOVE this post of darling children Sandi. WOW are you blessed with the cutest little girls to love!!!! I loved seeing your son Jason and your darling little ballerina of the family : )
    They are sure growing up fast aren't they?
    sending hugs....

  10. Hi Sandi!
    The girls are so beautiful and are getting so big!!
    Thanks for sharing these big days with us!

  11. Sandi, Your little girls are so sweet. I loved seeing the smallest trying to stand on her toes :):) She may be a ballarina also. Hang on to your hat Sandi....the time is flying by. Once those kids are in school, it takes wings. Smiles to you, Susie
    p.s. get all the hugs you can from those babies.


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