Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The creation bug bit again!

I have been creating this morning and believe it or not I still have my pj's on!! shh...
don't tell anyone please!!! :) I guess you could call today my "number 1" morning.
A running theme of numbers today. :) Oh no...I just looked at the clock and we have
passed over into afternoon...yikes! I gotta get dressed!

Mini cloches that I finally got finished and that love!

A pretty candle holder. yep...still on numbers. :)

Had to share my huge birdhouse that I purchased on the route 127 garage sales
for a whopping $3.00!! There is a 39.99 sticker on the bottom. What a deal steal!!

{ Sorry the lighting wasn't good at all the day I took this photo} 

I finally got these signs listed in my shoppe as well. They were going to go with me to the Artisan fair, but
it ended up not happening and sadly I just can't keep everything.  :)

You can find all of my goodies in my Etsy shoppe {except the church of course. ha!}

My mama just isn't getting her strength back as fast as she had hoped for. I spent the day
 with her and my father yesterday and it was a good day, but she needs some encouragement
so please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you so much my deary bloging friends!!


  1. I love all of the number things, Sandi!!! Very cute! Where did you find the rub-ons? What brand are they...I have been looking for some like that.
    I'm sorry about your mom...will pray right now...

  2. I was wondering about your mom, sorry to hear she's still moving slowly towards recovery. And Hey, some of my best creating gets done in my P.J.s it's the unrestrictedness of them, helps the old grey cells to generate. Love your #s.Isn't creating the best stress reliever?

  3. Lovin' the signs......very nice!

  4. Great new creative stuff! Love the church:) I have a church I need to do for Christmas time--it is weird how fast the year is flying by!

  5. Sending your sweet Mom a big ol' hug!
    Love those cloches Sandi!!

  6. You certainly have your creative juices flowing... and while still in your pj's!! My kind of girl! Those mini-cloches are darling and the berry baskets are so sweet! I see we are "neighbors", so to speak! Wouldn't it be fun to go on a jaunt together! I am now your newest follower and would love to have you come on over and visit my blog.. we share the junking passion!! Sorry about your mom not feeling well. It's hard but you know you don't walk alone!


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