Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The little peanut...

...is so cute!  We were able to go up to our daughter's home this past weekend and visit our
 new little grandson this past weekend and is he ever a cutie pie.

Grandma had to take lots of photos of course. Many didn't turn out  because the lighting
was terrible, but I did get a few good ones.

love his little hat 

I think Grandpa is trying to tell him all about the hard knocks of life,
but Daniel is oblivious. That will come soon enough. 

Beautiful baby boy...:)

A friend of my daughters took these two photos of his little feet...so sweet!

His little foot with his ankle monitor on. Wow, are things different than when I had my babies.
No one can even attempt to walk out the door with this little guy. :) I suppose that is a good
thing, but very sad that our society has come to this.

13 year old sister Allysha singing to her baby brother. He loves it! He was crying on the
way home from the hospital and he quieted right down as she sang *Twinkle, twinkle little
star* and other tunes to him. Allysha has a beautiful voice...I love to hear her sing.

The kids made two "birthday" cakes for the day Daniel came home. This one with the diaper and
another one with a pacifier on it. Too cute!

I am in full swing here in the boonies working on goodies for a holiday bazaar that I signed up
to be in. Somedays I wonder why I did that, but it is keeping me busy so that is good.

We took our car to the body shop last night and they will have it for at least a week to fix the
damage from a week or so ago when someone sideswiped us.  Will be so glad when all that
 is done and behind us.


Can I just say one thing? Please, let's all be kind to one another. No matter the color of our
skin, our religious beliefs or any other differences we may have...
 KINDNESS matters.


  1. Oh that baby is so precious! I can't hardly wait to have Grandbabies. Thanks for sharing those adorable pictures.

    I agree, kindness matters.

  2. Oh Sandy he is just precious! Loving all the photos and his big sister is gunna have such memories of him.One nice thing when there is an age difference.My older Girls are 6 and 8 years apart from their Baby Sister and they loved it.Do enjoy him as much as you can~Cheers Kim

  3. What a sweet little peanut. I would love to hug him. Sandi, you will have to do that for all of us. Smiles, Susie

  4. Oh my goodness, he's adorable! Every time I see a sweet, fresh little baby it makes me long for another child. My daughter would be thrilled, she begs me constantly for a baby sister :)

  5. Congratulations Sandi! Daniel is just a doll. :)

  6. Oh Sandi, those sweet little feet!
    Thank you for sharing!

  7. He is adorable! Congratulations!


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