Thursday, February 28, 2013

Winter brings out the kid in me

Yesterday I was longing for Spring, but instead we got dumped on with about 6 inches
of snow. I posted on facebook  that "I should go out and build a snowman"...just kinda
joking around. Then I thought , "WHY NOT?" i did just that!! 

I had this little lady made in about 15 minutes or less. I realize her scarf should be long
enough to go all around her neck , but I just grabbed stuff and improvised.

I think she turned out pretty cute. I got a couple of takers on facebook who want me
to go to their house and make one. lol. It was fun to be a "kid" again.  Keeps us
young right?? :)


  1. love snow! your snow man turned out super cute :o) Hugs Jennifer

  2. Your snowlady is quite lovely. We should never let our inner child miss out on the fun in life. Sunshine Smiles...

  3. awww, i love the snowman. so cute & all dressed up too. ( :

  4. Your snowman is adorable!! Don't think I've ever seen such a sweet shabby chic style snowman/woman before! lol


  5. So cute!
    Did you have a nice hot chocolate with extra marshmallow after? Mmm!!

  6. Good for you, Sandi. Great snowlady, all dress up for tea.


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