Friday, March 29, 2013

I have come to a realization...

...but we will go on  a side trip before I share that realization with you.  Remember my last post I told you
about my sick little car. is still in the great state of Pennsylvania being repaired.  We have to wait
until next weekend to go out and get it because that is the only time it will work out so...being stuck
in my house day in and day out, I decided I better have something to show for it.

At least a *little something* anyway. :)  

One day this past week I noticed that one of my seam binding spools was empty so I decided
to utilize part of it and make my own smaller spools to wrap some of my vintage lace onto.

I love how they turned out. One of these days , maybe I can get myself together enough
to show you how I made them.  I think they turned out pretty cute , don't you?

I grabbed some tags that I had punched out long ago and wrote on the back how many yards of lace
was on each spool and then tied them with ribbon.

I have lace...lots  and lots of could even say miles and miles of lace...:)

I also wanted to wish each and every one of you a very Happy Easter! Easter is
what it's all about as we rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.

Now...back to the I really got lost there didn't I? Being at home day in and
day out with no vehicle to travel around in,  made me realize just how much STUFF I have in
this small house and it is getting quite overwhelming. I wouldn't consider myself a hoarder
 by any means, but I have way too much so...if you notice off to the left of my blog I have
listed a few things for sale and will continue to add things periodically. Something has to
give and I thought I might as well share them with my online buddies if they so desire.
Just email me if you are interested in anything and I can give you the details. :)

Enjoy the Easter weekend!!


  1. You are accomplishing much while waiting on your car repair. Looks very pretty!

    Happy Easter wishes!

  2. Your little lace spools are lovely. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

  3. Love your little rolls! You do need to tell us how you made them!!
    Love the cross too!

    I am going to check out your items for sale. I have thought about selling some things, too.

    Happy Easter, gal!

  4. I always love your decoration ideas!
    Happy Easter!
    Hugs, Silvia

  5. Sometimes it's good to be stuck in the house. I've got a few treasures I should share too. Love your lace spools.

  6. So pretty looks like it is made for me!


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