Friday, April 5, 2013

A Melancholy Mood?

 As I gaze upon this pretty candle my heart is at peace... even with all that is going on in the
 world. I could very easily be in a melancholy mood , but that doesn't do me any good so I
sit here and pray for God to change the hearts and lives of people who seek to destroy us.

{mel-an-chol-y...Sad, gloomy, or depressed}

Praying that you have a beautiful and peaceful weekend ~


  1. Intercessory prayers ~ I try not to become weary in these prayers. Lovely candle and photo!

  2. I'll take that prayer any day all day, I'm sort of melancholy. I never understood that, when my mom would say that she was in a melancholy mood, well I'm there. Love your candle, and am thankful for your prayer.

  3. Still have you and yours in my prayer journal. God is listening.


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