Thursday, May 9, 2013

Flowers, flowers, flowers!

I am so so thankful that warm weather is FINALLY here in Michigan!! How about you?
Spring is one of my very favorite seasons. I love the new life and going to the garden center
 and seeing what I can find to bring home with me each year.

We visited my daughter and her family last weekend and her and I attended a
Faire Festival. It was a beautiful time and a fun day. Our first time ever , but we
 decided that next year I need to take my three little granddaughters along.
They would have loved it!! {more on that another day}

I purchased the above basket at the festival and I love it. Hope I can keep it alive. 

My daughter gave me this beautiful plant for Mothers Day. I believe it is "Stock"
and I also hope I can keep this one alive. I just love the color, don't you?

Gorgeous close up of the flowers...just amazing!

I gave my mom this watering can planter for Mothers Day this year and she
loved it. I think it is gorgeous also. 

I mowed our large lawn again today and afterwards took a couple photos
of what is growing in my yard right now.

I thought I would include a photo of my little sweetie granddaughter Annika and yours truly. Her
school had grandparents day this past Tuesday and she invited me. I loved every moment of it.
We got to sit in her class and listen to them read a story and sing some songs. Then I went to lunch
 with her and took her to the book fair. I think they hit the nail on the head to have the book
 fair on grandparents day. After all ,what grandparent is going to tell their grandchild that
they won't buy them anything??? ha!! Then it was on to recess. A fun, fun day and she didn't
 want me to leave. After recess it was hugs and kisses and off she went back into the school.

What is growing at your place? I would love to know!! :)


  1. I love the basket!! We are still having a cool spring here but my English garden roses will be blooming by next week I think. Stock is one of my favorite flowers. My best friend always give me a large bouquet of white stock on my birthday. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Pretty flowers and most adorable photo of you and Annika :)

  3. Hi Sandi... love your new basket of Million Bells, and LOVE that Stock!... and all of your planters look so pretty!... how fun to have grandparents day at Annika's school, and a book fair used to be so much fun, I loved them!... you look so pretty with her... my gardens are behind some this year because of our long, COLD harsh winter... but it is sunny and warm now... I want it to stay like this forever!... xoxo Julie Marie PS Happy Mother's Day!

  4. The flowers are beautiful, and so is your granddaughter. The weather has been nice here in Illinois too. Fingers crossed that it lingers.

  5. I love seeing you and grand daughter, your plant choices are lovely. My yard is full/ well maybe not full of but close dandelions, and the odd tulip and daffy. I too love this time of year, I though I'd planted a few more forget me nots than I have blooming but... Enjoy your Mother's Day.

  6. Sandi, Our grandkids have book fair on grandparents day too. But their grandparents day is in October. You and your g.daughter look cute. It is fun to see them do their school work. They are almost overly excited about their g.parents being at school. Glad it's warming up. xoxo,Susie

  7. convinced me. I need to buy a stock plant for my garden, Sandi. :) I buy some each week for inside my house and LOVE the fragrance! I mowed Wednesday and believe it or not, I think I have to mow again on Monday! Everything is growing like crazy - especially with the warm weather we had last week. LOVE it!

    Have a blessed Mother's Day, sweetie!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Your flowers look so pretty and your Granddaughter is a total doll! My lilacs just finished blooming and now my roses have started blooming, my peonies, and Iris'. I am in garden heaven :) Happy Mothers day!

  9. Hi the pic of you and look beautiful!


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