Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Shabby Apple

Newcomb Skirt
My vow to you
Heart of me
At First Sight

Have you ever visited Shabby Apple? It is a wonderful site that sells vintage style clothing in many different styles and colors. I could spend hours just wandering around on this site. {part of that is due to the fact that my computer is running veryy slowww these days and the fact that I am using a MAC which I am not used to at all so please bear with me, but I can still get lost in perusing the site} So many pretty clothes to view!

Above are a very few of the dresses that Shabby Apple offers for sale. I am leaning towards the plum colored dress with the about you?  If you love vintage / retro style clothing then this site is a must see. 

Happy Wednesday! { I sure hope this post okay and that all the links I said  ...LOTS of computer issues}


  1. Sandi, I have heard of this place before. I think someone had agive away with a skirt from there...long ago. Hope you are in great health and doing well this spring. I'd love to see a post of your yard...i remember your shed and bicycle.xoxo,Susie


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