Saturday, June 8, 2013

Take me out to the ball game...

...the TEE BALL game that is!! How fun it was on Tuesday evening to watch our granddaughter Annika play her first Tee ball game. was called a game, but there are no outs and each person gets to bat until they hit the ball. They are basically learning the fundamentals of the game I believe and it is FUN to watch.

They also got their individual and team photos taken so I snapped a few as well.

You know us grandmas...we can't just take one or two ...we have to take a zillion. I forget that all of you do NOT want to see that many photos of my granddaughter. I really did pare them down, but probably shouldn't even put as many on this post as I did. Can you tell that I am a proud grandma? hee hee

This was so fun to watch...we were sitting in the bleachers across the field {looking through a wire fence} so I really had to zoom in. Annika decided to swirl the dirt around with her feet while playing infield...or outfield...or whatever it is called! Ha! ha!

She swirled it this way and that way...

...and every which way.  I am sure I got more photos of her "swirling" talent, but thought three would be enough for now. :)

She is the only lefty on the team I cute and she puts a lot of effort into it.


She HIT THE Annika...RUN!! She did just great. I have to tell you this though. One time when the other team was up to bat and she was playing first base, some little guy on the other team hit the ball and his coach yelled ANNIKA ran to second!  ...and then when someone else hit it, she ran to third...hey I said fundamentals it doesn't all sink in immediately. hee hee We chuckled!! I think the girl on third base must have clued her in because instead of running for home plate when someone else hit the ball,  she got off the base and started playing infield again. Tee hee...Too cute!!

I thought this post was up a few days ago, but apparently not so I hope it posts this time. At any rate, we had a wonderful day watching Annika play ball. Happy summer!! :)


  1. Great photos of her! Gosh, she is sure growing up f-a-s-t! It seems like just the other day I told you "quick, take out the batteries" after she wore you out in one babysitting event! Now she can use up that spare energy out playing ball. Cute story about her running too. She's just adorable.

  2. Great photos, you are one lucky grandma that you can go and watch, many grandmas are far away. Enjoy!


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