Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Secret Garden...for real!

I have heard about this secret garden , but I never visited it until last week when my granddaughter was here. It was a perfect time for us to check it out and am I ever glad that we did! It is located inside a coffee shop and you would never know it was there if someone did not tell you {or if you read about it in the paper a few years ago like I did. lol.}

We walked inside the shop and asked to see the secret garden. The lady opened a door and led me down a long cement hallway and opened another door into this glorious beauty!! My mouth just dropped open!! It is just like stepping into another land!! From a stark cement hallway to this!! SO GORGEOUS!! I always heard you could see the huge wisteria roots in here that grow outside on the building, but I didn't realize that they had really made it into a beautiful garden.

Look at the size of this Wisteria trunk and branches. AMAZING! 

I truly was in awe and took several pictures, but there was so much light coming in that they aren't the greatest. I still wanted to share them with you anyway though. 

Love this piece that hangs on the brick wall. 

This is my granddaughter. I wanted you to see her in the picture for scale. This gal is around 5 foot 8 inches tall so you get the idea just how high the walls of this garden are. 

Okay, do you remember my Wisteria posts a few years back that showed the outside of these windows with the Wisteria hanging down? If you didn't see them you can click here here or even here to see the actual Wisteria when it is in bloom on the outside of the building.

I would still be sitting here in this garden if I actually could get away with it. To have a place like this to get away from the world and all it's noise would be so wonderful, wouldn't it? I think so! 

A pretty little water feature makes a perfect addition to the beautiful garden.

Look at these Wisteria roots?? Wowza! Those are some BIG roots. 

Tons of light shines in from above and I am certainly not a professional photographer, but you get the idea. 

Now seriously, looking at the front of this coffee house would you have ever dreamed that there was a secret garden inside??  I wouldn't have!!  Even looking at the side of the building where the Wisteria grows, I would have never dreamed of a secret space for a perfect retreat. However, now I will think of it every time I pass by this place and truthfully will probably stop more often and have a latte...just to visit the secret garden.

 Happy Sunday!


  1. WOW, what a beautiful place to visit. I would love to go there. I Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. How beautiful Sandi!... it really is enchanting... wish you could have had your coffee or tea out there... so peaceful and serene looking... I am certain there are flower~fairies who dwell there... thanks so much for sharing!... xoxo Julie Marie

  3. I could live there! That is truly amazing to see and thank you for sharing these lovely photos. A Secret Garden! WOW!!! Ethereal Peace and Blessings on this space.

  4. It is like in a Fairy Tale. I loved the water feature and the electric light bulb string.
    You will definitely have to go there again. We haven't heard about the food yet! lol


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