Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Are you ready??

I took a stroll outside yesterday and took a few snapshots of the last vestiges of summer.

 Does that make sense?

 I know "Vestige" means " a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists".

Sounds like summer to me. :)

My gorgeous hollyhocks that have a very few flowers left on them. I really need to do some trimming today, but the weather here calls for HOT, HOT, and more HOT along with possible rain.
 That part of summer has NOT disappeared. 

I can't believe that I have beautiful flowers like this and also leaves falling from the trees. Just seems wrong somehow. 

 I found that the huge field directly across from our house is filled with big orange pumpkins.

 Definitely FALL coming!!  I am ready...

Are YOU ready??


  1. FALL...my favorite season. I'm ready too!

  2. NO I'm not ready!! Excited! But not ready!

  3. So ready and looking forward to all that inspires winter.

  4. That looks like a Redosier Dogwood Shrub. http://www.naturehills.com/bushes-and-shrubs/dogwood-shrubs/dogwood-redosier?gclid=CMufst-mnrkCFYyi4AodXlEAuw
    I think it's a really pretty bush! I love the white berries!

  5. As much as I groan and whine about cold weather...I AM ready for some cool, crisp sunny days so I can pull my jeans and cowboy boots back on. lol Just gotta get through this yucky hot, muggy week....! lol

    xoxo laurie

  6. I love your Holly Hocks, I just can't seem to grow them, maybe I'll try again next year. And pumpkins, I love a field of pumpkins, we use to have the growing in my mom's compost heap they looked great.

  7. I love your beautiful photos!!! The hollyhocks are such a pretty pink.
    It has been so hot here too and I am ready for some cool.
    sending hugs...

  8. Wauwy love the picture from your blog... with the stone candle holders.

    xoxoxo Sanne

  9. I love fall and looking forward to it this year. Our summer has been too humid and too much rain. I will be decorating in the next couple of weeks.

  10. Hollyhocks! The sight of them always takes me down memory lane, when I picked the blooms and flower buds to create little flower dolls. I have resolved to find a little corner in the flowerbed next year to grow some hollyhocks and also a few sunflowers. I miss not having them here at our new place.


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