Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rock and Roll Tree ?

Yesterday I decided it was time to create so I whipped up this paper tree. I have made paper
trees that are round , but haven't made any square ones until I made this one and I love it!

I have cut tons of round circles in the past and now I am cutting tons of squares! :)

I added a tiny vintage ornament for the tree topper along with some glass glitter and she
just sparkles.

I did have a blooper along the way though. I thought it would be so cute with a white
porcelain doorknob as the base so I glued it in and guess what? It just rocked and rolled all
over the counter...rocked and rolled and rolled! I could not get her to sit up straight for me
at all!
She is now dubbed my "ROCK AND ROLL TREE".

On to plan B...which was sitting the doorknob in a vintage silver
creamer. I can't get her out of the door knob unless I ruin it in the process.
Hubby says to put something on the bottom of the knob so she will set up straight,
but I haven't accomplished that yet. :)

I am working on another white tree, but she isn't quite finished yet. She looks much
different being all white and shorter. Each one is unique and fun to make. 

Are you ready for Christmas?

I am not ready.

Hubby's work being the only income in our family for the most part, and him losing his job
 has thrown a kink in some of our plans.

Please pray with me that he will find a new job soon. This isn't just a lay off and back
to work...they closed the plant. No warning. Wonderful Christmas present eh? Just
makes a person wonder.  To top it off...I don't get near as much done during
the day now with him home and the man thinks he needs to eat at lunch time.

What in the world is up with that??



  1. Sandi, I will be praying for your husband and his job search. hugs to you too. Your trees are just beautiful. I just starting preparing for Thanksgiving so you are far ahead of me. Take care!

  2. The trees are so cute and boy to cut so many squares for it, that is something. I hope your Hubby finds a job soon and I will say a prayer for him.

  3. Great trees, imagine that man thinking he needs to eat at lunch time.

  4. Those trees are so beautiful. What a lot of work went into them. Still praying for a job for your hubby. The nerve of him to want to eat in the middle of the day!

  5. What a lovely tree! I had to laugh at the rolling and rolling part, LOL!

    I will keep you both in my prayers. It's never a good time to lose a job, but at Christmas time, it has a special sting.

  6. Your little tree is adorable. So sorry about your husbands job, and the timing. I am no stranger to hard times. I will keep you in my prayers!

  7. Love the tree. It`s just beautiful.


  8. Sandi, that is the nicest paper tree I have ever seen. Maybe I will try to make one, too. I will remember not to use a door knob for the base. lol
    I am still praying for you and your DH. God does have a plan for you.

  9. Sandi, I know you are not really complaining about your husband being around...but girl, I truly understand's like having a grown kid under foot. I will pray for your husband to be able to find some work. My SIL is outside construction and every winter we worry about him being laid-off. There will be seasonal things like helping at Lowe's or Menards. It's hard on men being without work. Blessings to you both Sandi.xoxo,Susie

  10. Your trees are absolutely darling - love the square shape and glitter!!!! Great idea!


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