Monday, December 16, 2013

My Advent Calendar

Let me start off by saying that these pictures are not that great, but I wanted to share them with you anyway.
I haven't a clue what I am doing when I take photos and white is a hard color to least in
my opinion. :)

Sandi over at A Cottage Muse inspired me to make my own advent calendar this year and this is the result.
I had so much fun shopping my home and using bits and bobs from here and there.

 I even used an old frame that I had laying around. I got it FREE at a garage sale down the road a
couple years ago and painted it white. I love it.

I opted to hang three waxed twine strings on the back of the frame and thread my tags onto them.
It wasn't as easy as it sounds. I spaced them out evenly at first, but then when I got the tags all on,
the bottom row was hanging on the frame. I don't know about you, but a little trial and error always
 happens at this house!

If you haven't made one, I encourage you to give it a try. It is FUN!

About the picture taking again, the lighting in this house stinks especially in the winter months so
 I work with what little I have. :)

Are you ready for Christmas?? Ready or it comes!!!


  1. Oh my goodness, yes! I have to make one of these now! I am already thinking about the little treasures I already have. Thanks for the inspiration!


  2. Such a cute idea, Sandi! I love all the different tags you did for this project.

    My scarf came today! Thank you so much! : )

  3. It looks great, Sandi. You definitely made it your own.

  4. What fun! I'm most definitely not ready for Christmas. The older I get the less I get done. I just don't know what to do about it. I suppose the fountain of youth is an option.


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