Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snow, snow and more snow!

As many of your probably already know, we are set for a big snowstorm today and
frigid temps tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday. Can't change it so might as well
make the best of it right?

Hubby and I took a nice, long walk down our road today before the worst hit and it
was beautiful.  I just came in from taking most of these photos at 2 pm and we have
much more snow already than we had on our walk before lunch.

Looking outside my back door

Pretty berries so maybe the birdies will have something to eat this winter.

Left over apples hanging on the trees

Hubby plowing snow to try and keep ahead of what is coming, but that may not work. lol

Home sweet home...look at the snow coming down!

Another photo taken outside the back door

my fence outside the back door

Our large pine tree looks gorgeous laden with snow

Hubby was taking pictures of me taking pictures on our walk this morning! lol

 Here I am

This was on our walk earlier today when we didn't have near the snow that we have in the photos above.

It is gorgeous , but the shoveling etc. isn't so fun. ha!

Just praying that everyone stays safe and sound and comes through this winter blast okay.


  1. Gorgeous photos Sandi! Love the huge pine. We rec'd about 4" on Friday, but I think that's all for us now. Stay warm and enjoy nature's beauty!

  2. Beautiful pictures. We are going to have snow next week and real cold temps. Your Hubby looks like mine. He can't wait to go out there and move some snow and play around as I say it.

  3. Such beautiful pictures, Sandi. We got 9 inches here and more is coming. I don't have such great scenery though. I guess we just have to hunker down and get through this.

  4. It all looks so pretty, Sandi! We are expecting some tonight and into tomorrow, along with below freezing temps. Since I'll be stuck inside I'm hoping to get a lot done.

  5. Wow that is ALOT of snow. I wish O could send you our sunshine

  6. Beautiful! I am so envious! We don't get this in central GA. I remember a year that we did when I was 12 in 1972! Enjoy!

    I am a lover of all things white. This would be paradise to me!


  7. What a great series of snow-related photos! It's beautiful! Hope you stay warm and safe.

  8. The photos are beautiful but I am not a winter girl!! You look so cute!

  9. Lovely and white, but you are right the shoveling is a bit tiresome.


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