Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Gardens Are Coming Alive!

It is so exciting to see all my pretty flowers finally peeking above the ground!

I love my Grape Hyacinths and the cement plaque is a keeper.

Hostas are also making their appearance.

The Columbines are unfurling their leaves.

A different kind of hosta...I have several kinds.

A rustic, scrolly bench keeps a watchful eye over all.

My Sweet Woodruff and Snow on the Mountain. I LOVE the Sweet Woodruff
when it flowers. It smells heavenly!

My chives are up far enough to use already. You will have these forever if you plant
them. They jump around and shoot their starts deep in the ground here there and

I am a lazy gardener as you can see in the photos. I haven't even cleaned all the leaves
up from last fall, but it is what is is.

It is all beautiful in my eyes!

Happy Spring/May!!



  1. So happy your flowers and plants are all coming up now dear Sandi... love your grape hyacinths!... I have sweet woodruff too and it has spread so beautifully this year... your hostas will be stunning!... Happy Spring at last!... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Isn't it so much fun to see our sweet little plant finally waking up, Sandi??? I find myself walking out in my gardens every day to see how much they've grown overnight. lol I love sweet woodruff, too! Mine is growing alongside the back porch and under the redbud in the front yard. I transplanted it there last fall hoping that it'll fill in around the tree so I won't have to spread mulch there. lol Yep. I can be a lazy gardener, too. lol

    xoxo laurie

  3. Very pretty!
    I love using fresh cut chives when I cook...key word "when"! Ha!

  4. It is so exciting when plants start coming back in the Spring! Your Grape Hyacinths are beautiful!

  5. Oh it's so exciting when things start popping up! Always so much to do! Glad it's warming up for you!

  6. Oh, the excitement of those first shoots! Can't wait to see everything in full bloom!


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