Thursday, June 26, 2014

Snail Mail Love ~

I have received a few labors of love in the mail lately that I wanted to share with you.

I won't tell you the names of the people who sent them...they can do that if they want,
but needless to say each one came at just the perfect time when I needed a lift.

God is amazing like that isn't He? He knows just what we need and when.
He LOVES to give us the desires of our heart!

I received two beautiful hearts just this past week. It was a joy to open the package
and see how lovely it was packed and with a beautiful note also.

I also received these beautiful rhinestone embellishments awhile ago. I inquired of a blog friend where
she had purchased them so I could get some and the next thing I know these arrived in the mail!

I love the handmade heart also. 

The timing on each gift was PERFECT.

My wish for you today is peace,  love and all the
 amazing blessings that God sends just when we need them!



  1. Our blogging friends are some of the most generous and thoughtful people around, Sandi. I have found that myself. You received some lovely items that I am sure gave your spirit a lift. The hearts are just beautiful.

  2. What a wonderful God to send you little reminders of love just when you need them. How precious are the friends you have to send them to you.

  3. Such a sweet post--I love getting things in the mail. These gifts are gorgeous!

  4. What a great delivery, love the embellishments.

  5. God shows his love and care for us in so many ways Sandi. It is such a comfort that He knows all of our needs and sends His blessings when we need them most. Your photos are beautiful!!!
    sending hugs...

  6. I love the intricate lace details of the hearts - like miniature vintage wedding dresses. Beautiful!


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