Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sneak peek of a few projects

I have just been a busy little beaver as of late and I wanted to give you a few peeks!!
{Kinda helps me keep my mind off of missing my granddaughters so much...keeping it real here}
I haven't had the time to do a pretty post yet about any one of these items, so thus this post.

Floor length chalkboard above was a brainy idea I had one day. We had taken out an outside
door a few years ago and just drywalled that spot, but didn't do one other thing. You know
how the months years pass and things just keep getting put off?? Yep, happens here quite
a bit.  I wanted to make over my pie safe and this drywall was right behind it so I decided
to make a big chalkboard also. Well, here it is!!  The drywall wasn't exactly level with the other
walls {it sat in a tad bit} so it was a perfect solution to do this and trim it off.

I also ripped up the MAUVE carpet in my bedroom and painted the floor "pinch of salt" white.
LOVE how it turned out.

Pie safe BEFORE above...

Pie safe AFTER above....I LOVE it also!

I know some people think I am crazy , but you know what? I don't' care! Life is way too short to
 get hung up on whether someone else will like it, so I don't. It is exactly the look I was going for.
 I did take the old screen out of it before giving it the makeover and we haven't gotten
anything put back in it yet. Trying to decide what I want for sure.

Today we started this project!! Wish us luck! ha! It has needed done for years. We are
halfway done. Fun times and busy, busy, busy.

What have you been working on? I would love to know!!


  1. Hi Sandi!
    Popping in to catch up with you, I've missed a lot! I have to say, I am in love with your floors! I'd love to do mine, somewhere in my house! Can't wait to show Jim!!

  2. Love it all! What was under your carpeting, that you were able to paint it? I'm still stuck in my basement reno/redo, and I know just how you feel with "month, year going by" The unfortunate part is I'm just out of interest. I want my room back, but I want someone else (my wife if I had one) to do it for me.

    P.S. will you marry me?

  3. Lovely chalkboard, message and pie safe. I like your idea of making everything around beautiful. We really do need to enjoy our days fully. Creative Bliss...

  4. Lovely chalkboard, message and pie safe. Living daily surrounded with beauty equals bliss.

  5. I love it too. Your floors and your pie safe.

  6. Love, love, love! Can't wait to see more, Sandi!

    It is such a busy time of year ~ we're up to our ears in projects and have our fingers crossed that we'll have an Indian summer to give us more time to complete them.

    Have a lovely one.

  7. Hello sweet lady... I have not been blogging for several months, well since June actually and I miss you!... yes, you have been a busy little beaver!... love all of your pretty projects, I especially LOVE your pie safe!... I can't wait to see what you put in it!... xoxo Julie Marie

  8. Sweet Sandi, love it all, but especially that walkway. You did a fantastic job and I can feel the aches and pains in your back, you poor thing. End result was worth it, right? Thanks for sharing.


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