Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile!

Autumn is sure putting on a gorgeous display here in Michigan again this year.

I L.O.V.E. it!

I wake up to this gorgeous scene day after day. This is across the road from our house.

I guess there are perks to living in Michigan on a back, dirt road after all. I mean
you just don't see this beauty in the city.

"Come, little leaves"
said the wind one day,
"Come to the meadows
with me and play.
Put on your dresses of red and gold;
For summer is past,
and the days grow cold."
~ George Cooper

I shot these photos yesterday in our front yard when the sun was shining through the trees after a rain.

Can you say AMAZING??

Delicious Autumn!
 My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird
I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns!

~ George Elliot


  1. AMAZING!... really Sandi, it is absolutely beautiful where you live!... I will choose a back country road over a big city any day (and I do!)... love the view out your front door... I would just sit there, coffee in hand... gaze at all of the beauty around me... and daydream... L.O.V.E. your crown with the pumpkin in it!... xoxo... Julie Marie

  2. Amazing is right! Beautiful!!!

  3. Our State has beautiful foliage too this time of the year. One of the best things about living in WV.

  4. Sandy, oh you show nature in gold and honey! Beautiful! And: I love the hanging crown! Great idea!
    Have a happy happy fall
    and all my best from Austria

  5. Very beautiful and what a view you have! God's colors are amazing!

  6. Hi Sandi~I went to Gaylord on Tuesday to meet Debbie from Green Willow Pond. It was pouring so hard, I couldn't see the colors very well. Of course, just before the sun went down, it came out, lol.
    I have that same crown, and I LOVE it!! I dumped the shells out of it from summer, and put boo pumpkins in it. Your's looks so cute!!!
    Your post is lovely. The images are beautiful, as are the words.

  7. Hi Sandi, Your pictures are so pretty. I love autumn too. The colors take my breath away. I looked back at the post I missed. your family looks so nice in the maze. The girls making cupcakes..what fun . Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  8. It is just beautiful where you live. Our trees won't turn colors for a few more weeks (usually the beginning of November). I love the autumn trees.

  9. Yes, I sure can say AMAZING!!!!! This is the only thing I miss about "up north" ...

    You've captured Mother Nature's beauty just perfectly.



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