Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Beautiful Hoar Frost

noun: hoar frost; noun: hoar-frost
  1. a grayish-white crystalline deposit of frozen water vapor formed in clear still weather on vegetation, fences, etc.

{Google definition}

We got quite the Hoar Frost a few days ago and I had to drive around and snap some photos.
All these were taken while I had my body firmly planted in my jeep. :)


A burst of color in the middle of winter.

How is the weather where you live?
I would love to hear about it be it warm or cold. :)
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  1. Absolutely lovely! I feel smarter now, I didn't know what that meant before.

  2. I have never heard of a hoar frost. I am glad you drove around to photograph the beauty of your frost covered land. I think these photos are some of the most beautiful I have seen this Winter. The first two are stunning. You should frame them.

  3. Your pictures are so beautiful! I am from Southern California and don't experience frost....thanks for sharing! karen....

  4. It's cold here, but no lovely frost. These would make great greeting cards.

  5. Your photos are amazingly beautiful! How can anyone not see the Creator in all of this! Great photography, Sandi!

  6. Oh Sandi, such beauty leaves me intoxicated with your frost...I could only dream to wake with this much white to admire. It's a perfect postcard life here with you and what beauty to love. Thank you for this sharing.
    We here in Southern Ca. Are experiencing a bit of rain, and colder nights, yet the sun is out during the mid-mornings almost spring like. I am waiting for our desert frost, hail, high winds and perhaps late frost or a bit of snow. Our winters here start in Febuary March, when most are sorting through there spring wardrobe we are pulling out the heavy knit sweaters.

    I am off to catch up on what I have missed here.
    Thank you for your loyal visits and the beauty you add to my comment list.

    See you soon.


  7. Gorgeous photos of the Hoar Frost! We do get it here sometimes. We've just had a January thaw. It's turned colder and we got a little snow now,

  8. What beautiful photos, Sandi!
    We've had some really cold temps up here at Houghton Lake, too.
    It's okay...it adds to the beauty of Winter.
    Have a nice evening.

  9. You are making me wish for some frost ... :-D
    What lovely, lovely shots!!!!!
    diane @ thoughts and shots

  10. As you know, I am not a winter person Sandi... but your photos are absolutely breathtaking!... thank you for showing just how beautiful winter really can be... xoxo... Julie Marie

  11. Ohhhhhhhhhh, Sandi ... you sure know how to work that camera. These pictures are absolutely STUNNING. Be proud - and then go enter them in a photo contest. You'd win!


  12. Sandi,
    Your pictures are so gorgeous. Love them all. Happy week end.

  13. Wow Sandi, this is my first visit to your blog. Stunning photography! I look forward to following you.
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  14. My Sandi, your photos are so crystal clear. Your skills are very professional.
    Our weather here is unseasonally warm and sunny. We are breaking records. It was such a lovely day today. Nice and warm.


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