Thursday, February 12, 2015

Treats for Valentines Day

... and now abideth faith, hope and LOVE, but the greatest of these is


I Corinthians 13:13

Are you ready for Valentines Day?

I think I am.

This year I decided to make cupcakes for our neighbors.

I have never done this before {not for this many at once}  and I decided it was time to

spread the love!

There is so much heartache and brokenness in the world today that a little kindness

goes a long way.

 I have been making cupcakes for the last two days and enjoying every minute of it.

I packaged them up and delivered part of them last night and hubby delivered the rest today.

I always try to keep cupcake boxes on hand. The ones I purchase hold four cupcakes so it is a perfect
gift for two people. 

It is also nice to have these cupcake holders for a single person.

I don't have a specific "recipe" that I use. I just wing it.


Make your favorite chocolate cupcake and let them cool.

Then make your favorite butter-cream frosting and add in a couple tablespoons of
Smucker's Simply Fruit in seedless Red Raspberry flavor.

It makes it so yummy and  it also gives the frosting a pretty pink hue.

Next, take a chocolate candy bar and use your carrot peeler to make some
sprinkles or curls...Top with a fresh red raspberry and wa are done
and you have a beautiful and delicious gift!




  1. How sweet and lovely of you! Gosh, I sure wish you were a neighbor!

  2. Well, I WAS going to say "wish I was your neighbor" ... and then realized it's cold and snowy in your parts. So, in light of that, I hope your neighbors enjoy the fruits of your labor. You're so sweet!

    Happy Day of Love ...

  3. A very lovely Valentine gift to receive! Yummy Too!

  4. Sandi about right now! I am wishing I were your neighbor that you were spreading some love to. But I will be happy enough just knowing you were loving on me in a visit to my blog. I want to thank you dearly for the beauty and grace in your comment that joyed my heart today.
    As for your packaging of your cupcakes it says it all in how much you cared to make them and extend your love.

    What a beautiful gesture of love.



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