Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Here comes Peter Cottontail...

...hoppin' down the bunny trail ♪♫♪

Hippity , hoppin'...♫♪♫

Easter's on its way! ♪♫♪...

{from composers Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins in 1949}

I remember this song from when I was little and it always comes to mind this time of year.

I chose to be lazy this year and opt for a purchased kit to make a cute bunny banner.

Actually, I was going to get one for each of my kids families for my grands and I only found this one.
I went to a couple different stores and never saw another one and that was way back when
they first started putting out Easter goodies. They must have been either really popular
or each store got in ONE kit. 

This bunny definitely looks like he has been hopping down the bunny trail!

This was my purchase at the store called
Fabulous Finds in Adrian, Michigan
that I told you about a few posts ago. Isn't he sweet??

Please disregard the fall leaves {ahem} from last year. I did get them cleaned up
AFTER I took this photo. 

I am so far behind, but I wanted to show you what my hubby Mr. Wayside brought me.

I woke up the day after St. Patrick's Day to these beautiful cookies
sitting on my kitchen table. I told hubby that he staged them perfectly!
They were DELICIOUS and I loved that he thought of me.

Are you busy with Easter preparations?

 I have some of my kids coming in this weekend and we will have the traditional Easter Egg hunt
 after lunch Sunday, but first we will go to church to celebrate our risen Savior!!




  1. He Has Risen Indeed!!!
    My daughter & SIL are having Easter this year.

  2. The bunnies are adorable.

    AND ... I need one of those cookies for my breakfast right. now.

    Just sayin'

  3. You're behind? I've barely brought out anything for Easter and I love that holiday and all the spring. I'll get the eggs out today and the tree -- the bunnies and bird nests can stay out longer! I'll be ready by Sunday.

    Don't call yourself lazy for kitting those cute bunnies! Still takes time to put it together! I might have to see if I can find one of those around here. Michael's? JoAnn's? Please tell me if it's something like that!

  4. Oh these bunnies are the CUTEST Sandi! You did a great job - I haven't seen any kit like that here. Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!

  5. Those little cotton tails are so cute! Happy Easter xo

  6. Love your Peter Cottontails ~ Happy Easter!


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