Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Spring Flowers

“Is the spring coming?" he said.
"What is it like?"...
"It is the sun shining on the rain and
the rain falling on the sunshine...” 

-Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

I can't believe that it has been a month since I posted.

Time flies when we are having fun right??

I have been a busy little beaver as I am sure you have as well.

I have been planting flowers, celebrating Mothers Day and then this past Saturday
 I had a garage sale that coincides with the ones at the lake a quarter of a mile south of us.
 A few years ago I figured out that I don't have to pay for any advertising at all that way
 and it brings TONS of people out. It was a good day.

My lilacs are on their way out and I hardly got any photos of them. I decided to pick a few
today even though they look a little dreary. It is COLD here today in Michigan! We
went from 84 degrees and muggy yesterday to a high of about 51 today. BRRR!
This weather just can't decide on what season it is! I hope it makes up its mind soon!

Aren't these blossoms just gorgeous? We visited my daughter and her family over Mothers Day weekend
and these blooms were on her tree. GORGEOUS!

This is one of my lilac trees a week or two ago. This is a lighter colored one than the
one in the first couple of photos. The fragrance on this one is outstanding!

I still find it hard to believe that I dug up a few starts of this tree at my sons home when they lived
up here.  When I got home I just put the shovel in the ground and plopped in the lilac start and this
is what she has turned into! AMAZING!!

{we have GREAT black soil on our property}

I have heard of people that coddled these starts adding the right amounts of soil and other amendments
to start these and had no luck. Actually, I have two of them growing now so I am a pretty happy

One day a few weeks ago I took a drive and ended up taking a few photos of this tree at the local
They are just loaded with blossoms every year and I just can't resist.

I hope you are having a wonderful Spring so far and that the weather is warm wherever
you live. Do you have pretty flowers and trees? I would love to hear about them!!


  1. Your photos are so fabulous! Those lilacs in that pitcher are fresh and lovely!

    Good job on the yard sale. I never get to doing that -- it takes a ton of work and I admire those who can pull it together!

  2. So pretty. Love the lilacs in the white jug so gorgeous. Love the smell of fresh lilac. Enjoy the week ahead.

  3. It has been such a busy spring! I'm glad I took a sec to look at your beautiful blooms! Gorgeous photos. What a lovely lift!

  4. Your Spring days sound lovely with a good kind of busy. I have been in my gardens too with planting and all that tending to a garden entails.

  5. Just beautiful, Sandi. Your lilacs make me swoon. I miss mine!!!!!

    Happy Spring ...


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