Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lush July Flowers

My flowers haven't suffered too much in the heat that we have had in Michigan this year.
There really haven't been a lot of very hot days yet and I hope they don't come at all!  I also haven't
used any fertilizer at all this year except what came in the soil that I planted them in.
I think they look nice and lush for all the things I didn't do. :)

Every year I try to feed them liquid fertilizer through the hose, but just haven't had
the time and we have had a LOT of rain so I didn't need to either.

They have come a long way since I planted them back in May.
I can grow nice flowers outside , but can't grow anything inside to save my life! HA!

The fern is HUGE and so green. I always get it at the same place every year.
I have tried Walmart in the past and did not have good luck so I stick with
our local greenhouse.

I have an old wooden white screen door that I would love to replace this one with, but
haven't taken the time to measure it yet. Hopefully it will fit. It has spindles on it and
I got it FREE several years ago. Wouldn't that be nice if it fit just perfect??

I adore WHITE flowers...don't you?

I can't wait for my Sweet Autumn Clematis to flower this fall. I love it that it is
a late blooming plant so I can extend the beautiful floral season a bit more.

How is the weather where you are? Hot, rainy, cold, snowy? EEK! Snow
will be here soon enough.



  1. Sandi,
    Your fern looks so big and gorgeous. Love all your flowers and your porch. Everything does look lush and beautiful. Have a great evening.

  2. very beautiful and lovely flowers! <3

    xoxo, rae

  3. Your porch and flowers are so lovely. We have been having too much rain here in WV.

  4. Your Summer flowers are lovely.

  5. Beautiful porch with gorgeous flowers. it looks so peaceful and serene.

  6. The cutest little porch...


  7. All of your plants are so lovely. I like white flowers too. And your fern is magnificent!

  8. By now your sweet autumn clematis is probably in bloom and looking beautiful along with everything else on your porch. What a beautiful space Sandi! You have added so many unique things out there to make it really a charmer. Makes me want go out and freshen mine up right now :))) I'm the same way about indoor plants, I kill 'em every time.
    I'm so glad to read that you've been enjoying your summer sweetie. I see you on FB once and awhile when I get on there and it's a nice way to see you're well and happy.
    sending hugs...


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