Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Antique, Junque and a prayer request!

It sure has been a long time since I posted so I thought I would play catch up.

Well, kinda.
I have been busy making signs and I am loving it.

My youngest son keeps me supplied with pallets so I figure I better strike
while the iron's hot. lol. You never know when your source will "dry up".

The ones above are my latest signs. I was inspired by some signs that Knick of Time
showed awhile ago on facebook. 

I dug out some rusty, crusty hinges that I have had laying around and added them.


I have also been making a few of these signs. I have four made now, but need to get
a frame around each one. I LOVE this scripture verse. One of my very favorites!

JUNKIN" is always fun right?

...and who doesn't love to go exploring?? I know I do!
Especially in an old abandoned barn or house!

Mr. Wayside Treasure and myself went on a antiquing trip a couple weekends
ago and I found a couple things. This chair being one of them.
Isn't it SWEET??

I also found two of these doors that I intend to makeover with
Oh yes, I do!

I think the pickin's are slim anymore. Are you finding the same where you live?
I used to go antiquing on a weekly basis and pick up reasonably priced items
that I could make over and then make a profit, but not so much anymore.

I can't wait to hit the yard sales this year. Now let's see if I actually have that much
gumption when the time actually comes. lol!!

Before I say goodbye today could I please ask a favor of you??

My 25 year old niece is VERY sick. She was in the hospital a few weeks ago for a week
and got out for maybe two weeks. Then right back in again and has been in for two
weeks this time. She is not getting better. PLEASE pray that God will touch her and
heal her body. She is a beautiful young lady that loves the Lord and she is a joy
and a blessing to her family and we need her well!!

Thank you so much!!!


  1. your signs are wonderful, aren't you ambitious, I seem to have lost my mojo. Prayers sent your way.

  2. I am so sorry about you niece Sandi and I will add her to my prayers. I hope the doctors will be guided to know how to help her.
    I love all of your awesome signs too. I am finding the same here as far as thrifting goes, everything seems to be priced to high for having to redo it too.
    sending hugs...

  3. LOVE your signs!!! Praying for your niece...

  4. I'm so behind on my blogging -- I am just now reading your post. Praying that things have improved with your niece and for peace and encouragement for everyone no matter the circumstances or outcome.


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