Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Spring in Michigan

has finally arrived in Michigan and I am so happy!

If you have ever lived here you know that one day it can be 75 degrees
and the next day we can have snow. ugh.
I hope and pray that the snow is over with for the year.

Lilacs are starting to bloom along with all the other spring flowers.

I just LOVE this time of year when everything is new.

My tiny grape hyacinth.

I love the tiny and delicate size of these beauties.

My pretty pink phlox!

Look at the center of them. So beautiful and perfect. Each and every one.

Isn't it amazing what our creator does?!!

Every spring I look out my kitchen window to see this flowering pear and I laugh.

The trunk is so small compared to the branches of the tree!

We have been told that these snap in high winds very easy because of this,
but so far we haven't lost ours.
If that day ever comes, I will literally sit down and cry!

Pretty violets. We used to find these in the woods whenever we would take walks years ago.
So perfect and delicate.

Lilacs are my favorite springtime flowers, but they wreak havoc
with my sinuses so I can't bring them inside. I can enjoy them out on my
front porch though.

I have dark purple lilacs and this pretty light lavender color. I dug up and planted a
couple starts of  this one maybe five years ago and they have thrived for me.

All I did was stick a shovel in the ground, push back the dirt and stick in the
tiny shoot! I have decided this is the way I must plant from now on because
we have bought trees that we have taken care to dig the hole the right size,
add all the stuff to make the soil right etc and they do not live for us.

The plants along the garden path are starting to wake up.
I will say it again:

I LOVE this time of year!

Our forsythia bush is putting on quite a show this year. It is gorgeous and huge.
We moved it several years ago because it was getting way too big in front of
our back porch. I told hubby it would never live since it was already several years old
and well established, but it proved me wrong! YAY for me being wrong. ha!

I hope you all are doing well and I hope to get back to more blogging this year.
Last year was a horrible one and I pray that this year brings many unexpected blessings
from heaven above. We are coming up on the year anniversary since we lost our
granddaughter Eden Rain and that will be a very hard day. Please keep our family
in your prayers if you think about it. God is helping us, but we sure miss her.


  1. I'm with you -- I LOVE this time of year. I'm a 'winter-hater' living in Chicago and although we had the mildest winter in over 100 years here, I am STILL soaking in the beauty of spring. I just picked bunches of my grape hyacinths to put in tiny vases around the house along with lilacs. Yesterday I took my dog for a long walk in the nature preserve by our house -- lots of wild violets and crab apple trees blooming! But you're right, almost 80 today and then 50's the rest of the week!

  2. Hi Sandi,
    Glad to see all the pretty flowers in bloom in Michigan. We are having about the same in Illinois. Loving the sun filled days and mild temps. Wishing you a better year with lots of new blessings in your lives. I know it will be a hard day ahead to becoming to the anniversary loss of Eden. Praying for strength for you.

  3. Your yard is just beautiful! I have a lilac that I need to move. I think I will use your method. I had a forsythia that died. I want to get another one.

  4. It looks just fabulous -- and I know what you mean! Up here in Lansing it's the same story. I bought pansies for the boxes today but still taking a couple weeks before too much goes in the ground!

    Our lilacs aren't out yet, though. Lucky you because they are stunning. My neighbor has a tree right by my window which I love. I'm going to ask her for a cutting and try your trick!

  5. Wat a beautiful garden do you have.


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