Monday, September 30, 2019

FALL is upon us already!

HELLO EVERYONE! I am sure I have lost my audience by now, but man has life been hard, joyful,
tough, busy and amazing! Where have the years gone?? My son informed my not too long ago that I am
really slipping when it comes to posting on my blog and he is so right! I've been averaging about once
a year for the past couple years or so. I am going to try and do better , but no promises because you know...
LIFE HAPPENS and you better live it while you can! I know I am trying my best to do that.

The hubby and I were in the RTE 127 sale in August with his sister and husband and that is where I scored
this wheelbarrow. The people in the tent right beside ours GAVE it to me because on part of the frame is
rusted through, but it still works for yard art!!
I LOVE IT! Best bargain of the whole sale along with a chippy , white bench for $1. (from the same
people) There are such kind souls in this world today amidst all the yuck if we just open our eyes
and look.

My amazing Sweet Autumn Clematis! I have two of these. One here on my fence and one on the front porch
on a trellis! I love them and I need to get more!

Our granddaughter Annika. I can't believe she is in 7th grade this year. They moved to California
(insert sobbing here) in February and they flew home last weekend so we had a few hours to spend
with them before they flew right back. We had fun in the park and I snapped a few photos with my
actual camera instead of my phone. She sure is a beauty and growing up fast!

Annika and little Liam! Remember our rainbow grand after we lost Eden to stillbirth? This is him!
Isn't he the cutest??!! Adorable! He will be two years old in November. DOES.NOT.SEEM.POSSIBLE!

I love this photo. My son, his daughter Annika and my hubby. Something must have been very funny. lol

Sweet Ainsley and Liam sliding in the park. The visit was way too short, but I am so
very thankful that we got to see them! Six months is a long time to be apart from those
you love for sure!

This post is so random! Ha! My geraniums from my gardens this year were so pretty.

More flowers.  I can do pretty good growing flowers outside, but not inside AT.ALL. 

We found a field of sunflowers one day close by and I had to snap some photos. They are so pretty and
are the epitome of fall!

Well, here we are at the end already! I just picked random pics to post and you got quite a mixture, but it is our
life in real time. God is good and we are so loved by Him!! Always remember that!!

Until next time which is hopefully sooner than later,


  1. Hello! I just discovered your blog via an older photo of Bittersweet in hanging from a rack with a french bucket and market bag I found on Pinterest. I loved the photo and shared it in a couple of my fall decorating posts with a link to your blog. Here is the one I just shared:

    I see that you are just getting back to blogging and that is wonderful! I would like to invite you to come over and party with us by linking up this post at the All About Home Link party and also at Thursday Favorite Things! All About Home is live every Monday at 7:00 pm EST- Thursday at midnight and TFT is live every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. EST- Sunday at Midnight. You can find the live All About Home Party here:

    Hope you can join us. Happy fall!

    Amber~ Follow The Yellow Brick Home

  2. I just started blogging again after a long time's all okay.
    I love your Autumn clematis. Mine did really well for a couple of years, then just died off. I guess I will have to replace it next year. Yours looks beautiful!! Did you plant more than one in the same spot? All of your plants and flowers look wonderful. Your grandkids are adorable. Mine are just three hours south of here, yet I don't see them very much either. God IS good!! All the time!!! Debbie xo


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