Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mother Nature has opened her box of crayons in Michigan ~

"And all at once summer collapsed into fall"

Mother Nature has opened her box of crayons and used the most amazing colors!
I absolutely adore fall colors every year!

It makes me get outside more and snap a few photos. I love being outside, but I tend to
hibernate when it gets colder. Just like a bear...

I bought one mum this year and I love the color of it. I tend to go for pinks and purples.
However, I do throw in a orange or yellow every few years. 

If a year was tucked inside of a clock,then Autumn would be the magic hour".

These trees are all in our front yard and require a lot of cleanup, but aren't they pretty?

My Rosemary plant is still looking great! I can never get enough Rosemary.
I love the intoxicating smell.

"The heart of Autumn must have broken here, and poured it's
treasure upon the leaves".

I did say that I LOVE fall colors, but I will put a disclaimer right here. I don't like the clean up near
as much. I'm getting too old for all this work. lol  Truthfully, if we don't get an Indian Summer, it will
probably stay like this until next Spring. 

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers"
Do you have fall color where you live? I would love to hear about it.
We complain a lot because of the highest car insurance rates in the nation ,but when
you look at all this color, it almost makes up for it, right? :)

Happy Tuesday and may you be blessed!


  1. Oh, Sandi, I so agree about October. And this one has been especially beautiful here in our state. (I'm in mid-Michigan). I just posted color too. It was late in coming, wasn't it (and I fear it will be gone after all this rain) but it was well worth it. I don't remember seeing such a lot of glorious foliage this late in many moons. Your photos are simply beautiful.

  2. Sandi,
    It is all so pretty.
    Have a great new week.


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