Thursday, December 19, 2019

Reminiscing...our handmade doll house from a Christmas long ago~

Several years ago I drove out to my parents house while they were away and took several
snapshots of the dollhouse that my parents made for my sister and I one Christmas. I'm guessing
it was made in the 60's. We adored that dollhouse and as I got older I could really appreciate the love
and care that went into making it. It was so special to us!

My mom used a large cardboard box and her attention to detail was amazing! Dad made the wood
items, but she created all the rest of it.

It has seen better days, but I will always love it.  After all it is decades old, but it still stands.  My
daughter played with it when she was small along with several nieces of mine and I am pretty sure
that my granddaughters may have played with it as well. I will have to check that out.

I just love this little wooden candle-holder that my daddy made!

Mom even added a picture above the fireplace that I am guessing was from a
Christmas card. She didn't leave out any details for sure.

Girls just HAVE to have a mirror. (smile) Poor little chest of drawers is showing it's age, but
that's ok. I am too! ha!

My mom  used a round oatmeal container for the chair and even added a ruffle. 

The curtains with rick rack...can you say PRECIOUS? 

My dads attention to detail on these beds was a sign of the wonderful cabinet maker he would
become in the years that followed.

A crocheted rug...or knitted? I'm not sure, but mom sure made it special!

Mom added wallpaper along with "wood" floors and "bricks" on the fireplace with a black marker.

Not just any old pillow, but a lace edged pillow for her girls. 

I am so very thankful for my parents and their love for us all through our lives!! Dad is almost 87
and mom is almost 82 and I am so thankful that they are still with us. They were the most loving
parents a child could have and instilled in us right from wrong and brought us up to
know and love Jesus. What a legacy!!

Merry Christmas to each one of you!!

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