Saturday, July 11, 2009

God Loves PINK too ~

How do I know that?

The Bible tells me so~

"And God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good".
Genesis 1:31
My gorgeous window box on my potting shed filled with
PINK goodness...nurtured by my Father above ~ Lovely pink impatiens~
My baby *tunias*
Aren't they just so sweet ~
LOVING my pink Hollyhocks this year~
Pink Fairy Roses
Clusters of beautiful small pink roses ~
This year my fairy rose bushes are rather small.

They have flourished the past several years...
I hope this doesn't mean that they are on their way out.

Wishing you all wonderful pink blessings today~


  1. I like your baby tunias! ☺ Well, I really like them all!

    I planted Hollyhocks this year so hopefully I'll have some come up and bloom next year! It seemed like someone named Holly should certainly have some Hollyhocks! ♥

  2. Beautiful Pinks especially the Hollyhocks against the white picket fence ~ so pretty!

  3. Just gorgeous! I was hoping the roses would make their way in. Of course h loves pink and he sure loves you! Keep taking pictures. I miss your home so much:( It's gorgeous in the summer. PIctures don't do it justice at all.

  4. God does love pink, and you can tell by how lovely they look in your garden.

  5. You are so lucky to be surrounded by such beautful pink flowers. I just love those dreamy pink roses.

    Have a great weekend!!

  6. Sandi, your pinks are absolutely gorgeous today. That pink hollyhock is just amazing and those photos of it, show it off just beautifully. WOW!

  7. The flowers and words are beautiful!



  8. Oh, Sandi, my friend ~ Can't get enough PINK ever! The flowers are gorgeous. I am in overload with pink everything, even in the gardens.

    Hugs, TTFN ~Marydon
    PS Today is a new day, love is in the air .....

  9. Beautiful roses.Isn't pink lovely with green or yellow.You may not be too happy about this comment when I tell you,(whisper this part)- I didn't like pink when I was young, but I had a light bulb moment one day while shopping for a dress for my brother's wedding and now I totally agree.When my kids tell me they like a certain color, I tell them God thought up and made that color.

  10. WOW - is that ever lovely and so perfectly cottagey!

    do you follow karen harvey cox's blog (a scrapbook of inspiration)? boy, she could paint an amazing watercolor of that. swoon-o-rama!


  11. What beautiful pinks.... I'm so happy God gave us that color!

  12. These are just Lovely! And Yes God did give us Pink!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  13. just simply gorgeous, i love them all, happy pink saturday


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