Friday, July 10, 2009

A Special Birthday and THANK YOU ~

My best friend turned 50 on June 26th.
BUT We couldn't get our schedules arranged to have her birthday lunch
until yesterday.
This was my birthday gift to her~
I wrapped brown craft paper around the gift (a piece of pottery)...
and also added brown paper shred in the top ~ Embellished it with seam binding ribbon
a homemade flashcard along with a sticker or two...vintage style ~
This is the pottery piece that I purchased at
my favorite store...
I also typed up 50 reason I love having her for a friend,
folded them up
put them in a jar.
She can take one out every day and read it or read them all at once ~
(Pookie don't look at the next picture unless you have read every slip of paper in the jar)
Here are some of them.
I used different fonts for different adjectives
and also added the definition of each adjective
along with my own thoughts on a few of them.
I had a lot of fun doing this.
A birthday to remember...the big 50!!

I also want to say a most heartfelt
to all of you who read my post yesterday
and emailed me to offer encouragement.
I feel so blessed to have your support.
I love the land of blog.
Blessings ~


  1. what a sweet, sweet friend you are.
    your gift was so thoughtful.
    happy birthday to your friend!

  2. What a delightful and heartfelt gift! You definately put a lot of work into it which I am certain was enjoyed by your friend:).

    BTW, Home Goods is one of my favorite jaunts too:)!



  3. i think that is the best present ever, she will truly aprecitate it because it came from your heart.

  4. Wonderful gift idea!!
    blessings and hugs,
    Barbara Jean

  5. Why Sandi, this is an adorable gift creation, & so thoughtfully sweet of you. I love it! Bet your friend did also. TTFN ~ Marydon

  6. Hi Sandi..

    What a lovely and thoughtful gift you put together for your dear friend. I'm sure she will be thrilled to pieces.

    Hope all is well. Take care and have a great weekend.

  7. That is a wonderful 50th birthday gift!!! I think it would work for any age.
    Sorry to read about your sad day...and you have the right attitude...God is in Control and all will be well...
    Happy Weekend...
    also, love the chocolate sign!!!and the sweet sign holder.
    Deb :)

  8. Aww!! That is the sweetest gift! Happy 50th to your sweet friend! Mom will be 60 on the 23rd so we are gearing up!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. THAT is a great idea...the 50 reasons..I'm going to have to file that one!


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