Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wonderment ~

astonishment, surprise
curiosity about something

my beautiful little granddaughter
enjoying the snow ~

this precious little gal is only 2 years old
and she has played more in the snow
than our 10 year old granddaughter.

she loves the outdoors
and is a very active little girl.

{i snagged these photos from my son and daughter-in-law's blog}



  1. Oh my! That first photo of her trying to catch the snow with her tongue is absolutely adorable! How wonderful that you also have a beautiful granddaughter who even at the age of 10 thinks of others before herself. That is certainly a most wonderful character trait and something that most certainly runs in the family. Blessings to you and yours, Tammy

  2. Oh, how precious! What a perfect example of wonderment, indeed! Beautiful granddaughters you have, Sandi--have fun!

  3. It is truly hard to get one's self baack to routine after the holidays..... I am struggling a bit today and maybe need to go scrap or something to take the edge off. Your grandchildren are all so very sweet... I can see why you miss seeing them.....

  4. LOVE the glimpses into the beautiful hearts of your grandaughters...

  5. Great photos of Keira, Sandi! Thanks for sharing.
    Stay warm, my friend.

  6. She is beautiful. Enjoyed seeing her try to catch snowflakes on her tongue. What a fun memory for you.

  7. My sweet dear friend ~ I am playing catch up ...

    Keira & I would have a ball! That is what I was doing a couple weeks ago, literally!!

    Your granddaughters are both gorgeous, as you know. How sweet your 'giving' g-dau ... all before oneself. She'll go a long way in this world.

    Love the coffee maker story, Sandi.

    I have been so blessed to find you, Sandi ... I look forward to many more wonderful moments together with you '10. You have been a delight ... Happy New Year.

    Hugs of love, Marydon

  8. What blessing these grandchildren are Sandi. They truly are gifts from Him aren't they? It's just a wonderful love I've never experienced before!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  9. Precious photos! Makes me miss my 3 grands who live in North Carolina with me in Mississippi. My husband and I plan to visit next spring though and I can hardly wait. Probably won't have snow to play in but I'm sure we'll overcome that obstacle :-) Hug your girls an extra time for this 'Nana'!

  10. What a perfect picture of wonderment! I love your little granddaughter's expression!

    Nita Jo

  11. Sandy I have missed so many of your beautiful posts while away. We lost two good friends in the week between Christmas and new years and so I have had family here and memorials to go to. I haven't been able to get everyone's posts and I'm catching up today.
    Your sweet little grandbaby is so pretty and it looks like she will be a little outdoorsman or should I say woman. She'll be fierce on skis in a couple of years.


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