Thursday, July 8, 2010

A faithful friend is the medicine of life...

...Ecclesiastes 6:16

I found this utensil/glass holder at Maribeth's when my sister was home visiting.
I adore it and just had to pick it up.

It spins and twirls and is so neat.

More buckets that I found on clearance at
TJ Maxx last week. The only two they had left. you have a friend who is
your best and dearest friend??

One that will stick with you no matter

I do and I am so thankful for her and
for what she means to me! {Peggy this is for you}

Her and I have sent each other cards for YEARS.
{even though we only live about 10 miles apart)
We send cards for birthdays, anniversaries,
and any other day you can think up...even no reason
cards! We have amassed quite a few and have slowed
down somewhat over the past several months. Part
of the reason due to card stores closing around here
and also because we have sent each other just about
every card out there!! LOL

One day we were chatting on the phone and she said, "I bought you something at a garage sale...just pretend
it is a card"...and the same thing was said in another
conversation and...when we finally got together
for HER birthday...
she gave me all kinds of treasures!

This silver bowl, the vintage silverware tied in a pretty
white ribbon, these vintage gloves and the wool sweater
in the photo above with the flower pin on it. I was blown away!! I love it all so much! I felt like
it was my birthday!

She is such a sweetheart and
no... I won't share her. lol. Thank you so much dear friend and may you
be blessed many times over for your kindness
to me!

I hope each one of you has a friend like I do...
they truly are the "medicine of life".



  1. I do have a friend like you, and I don't show her I appreciate her nearly enough. Well that's going to change.

  2. i have 4 very good friends. they are there for me always. what a sweet friend you have. she sure knows you to buy those very you treasures.

  3. I have one friend like here I miss because I don't see her very often anymore because she lives in Toledo..... ahh I miss spending time with her.

  4. Friends like that are so special! I think the best friends are those that know you well enough to give you things you love!! What precious treasures!

  5. What a wonderful friend you have... besides all the pretty treasures she gave you, she gave you the gift of herself... my best friend is my little sister Jill... we share everything... our mama used to call me Jill's "other mother" when we were little... I still am... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. Yes...having a very good friend makes all the difference in the world!!


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