Friday, July 9, 2010

From skirt to tattered lace wristlet!

Remember this skirt that I found at the Goodwill?

I cut off the trim at the top of the skirt and
used part of it to make this wristlet.

I love the tattered look so I didn't want to add
a lot of embellishment.

I added a snippet of vintage lace and a tattered rose that I made and wa la...a wristlet was born!

I even utilized the snaps on it to fasten it together.
I am thinking now that I might make a tinier rose to
cover up the snap...but for right now,
it is what it is and I love it!

I even have enough trim left over to make one
or two more. This was a simple and fun project
that I really enjoyed!

Have a wonderful weekend! Blessings~


  1. It is really pretty!
    Have a lovely weekend
    Isabelle x

  2. This is just gorgeous, Sandi! I love it!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Sandi, that is so beautiful! It reminds me of something pretty my great~grandmother would wear... xoxo Julie Marie

  4. G'morn sweet friend ~ Sandi, I love the utensil vessel, clever idea.

    Now that wristlet is 2D4 ... I'd cover the snap also ... tho gorgeous either way. You are soooo creative.

    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Marydon

  5. Oh Sandi... that wouls be really charming in a ankle cuff.

  6. Have a wonderful weekend Sandi ~ maybe your honey will take you out so you can show off that pretty wristlet!!

  7. Sandy I think you made such great use of the skirt. The cuff is so pretty. I have really been wanting to make some cuffs. I think you have inspired me.


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