Sunday, July 25, 2010

Precious Jewels

We are His precious jewels and He loves each
and every one of us.

Little children, little children,
Who love their Redeemer,
Are the jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own.

Like the stars of the morning,
His bright crown adorning,
They shall shine in their beauty,
Bright gems for His crown.

{a favorite song from my youth..sorry if I have shared this
song before, but I just love it }

Have a blessed Sunday as you rest in His love~


  1. Lovely blog, so true.Have a nice Sunday!

  2. We can never hear beautiful songs too often.

  3. Oh diamonds are my best friend;)
    Lovely pictures.
    Nice evening

  4. I love that song. I was part of a trio that sang that at a friend's baby's funeral...that sounds sad, but I have sweet memories of the song. It makes me think of all the the sweet little ones that God takes home to be with Him...out of this sometimes wicked world. God's precious little jewels...I'll get to meet two grandbabies when I get there!


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