Sunday, July 25, 2010

Swan Song


a final gesture or performance, given before dying
{in this instance given by me before diving}

Hanging this bliss banner was my swan song of the day.

Immediately after hubby took this photo,
I started down off the ladder and fell in the
most ungraceful way you can imagine.
Shot clean across the aisle and into a post
rolling all the way!!

Scraped up my shoulder a little, but not bad for
the way I felt as I was flying across the aisle. I thought, "Oh my goodness I am going to
whack my head"...absolutely nothing I could do
to stop this motating body no matter how hard
I wanted to.

Thank God no one was in the aisle and saw me do this! That in itself was a miracle! The antique mall was
full of people and all I thought about was how stupid
I must have looked! lol.

On a lighter note:
I made these very large tissue paper pom poms from
a Martha Stewart kit that I had purchased at Big Lots
months ago for $2.00.

I wanted to pretty up my booth so we took this
ladder up today after church and I hung them up.
Love how they look!
{so at least the day wasn't all bad}

Hubby took this photo too.
Put my camera in that man's hands and he is just
off and running. He was playing with the color
accent feature in the above shot.

Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday.


  1. you poor girl! im so glad you were not injured. your shop is so cute. your husband did an amazing job on the pictures,and it was nice of him not to take a pic of you on the floor :) i fell while painting a few months ago, and oh my goodness i was sore for a week! it happened in slow motion. its amazing what goes through your head while you are falling. like how am i gonna fisish painting if i break my arm. or how am i gonna cook dinner if im so sore, who will find me if i knock myself out??? there was nothing i could do, but fall. after i got up after i saw i was not broken or gushing blood, i took 4 advil (thank the Lord for advil)

  2. Hi Sandi,
    The paper flowers are a nice addition to your booth! Good thing you didn't hit your head...ouch!!
    We drove to an estate sale today...75 miles one way...hubby needed a "FIX" and it was pretty good, even thou it was the 3rd day of the sale.
    We had the HOT weather on Monday and then it "cooled off" LOL!!
    deb :)

  3. Lovely booth!! Love the pictures!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. Oh Sandi, I do hope you are ok! Your photos are beautiful... please rest and feel better... nothing worse than falling... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. Hope the aches and pains from your fall go away soon! Your booth sure looks pretty!

  6. Sandi ~
    Your booth looks wonderful !
    I am so sorry that you fell off the ladder though ~ that stinks !


  7. Yes indeed thank the Lord for Advil. I'm so glad you are o.k.

  8. don't you just hate when that happens!!! All is not lost - the pom poms are fabulous! So glad that you are not really hurt!


  9. Hi Sandi...

    What I wouldn't GIVE to shoppe in there! I LOVE IT my friend! I truly do. I could do some major damage to my pocketbook if I was let loose to roam free.

    Thanks for sharing~


  10. Everything looks fabulous, so glad you weren't hurt. Funny tho, as we're in the middle of it all, we think of whether someone else has seen us! Love that color feature on your camera!

  11. Your booth is soooo lovely!!! Sorry to hear about your fall ~ I hope you stopped and got some ice cream to make you feel better on the way home!!

  12. Love the pompoms. I plan to make some this week too for the moving into my new mall space. Sorry for the mishap but at least no major hurts.

  13. Oh my Sandi... I do believe not a thing we do is graceful anymore... It's like remeber when???? We recieved a break in the heat and it was nice but back we go again tomorrow... Yikes... Take care...

  14. Oh my! Your booth is gorgeous! I'd be making a bee line straight there every time! Our mall is so dark and ugly... It hasn't stopped me from spending though! Oh dear... ☺

  15. goodness sandi! what SOME people do to get a little attention! :) So sorry about your "tumble!" I hope you are no worse for the wear today mon amie (i also hope it makes you feel better to know that your booth looked ever-so-lovely as you were rolling away ffom it!) Feel better!

  16. poor glad you are ok..and that nobody saw!!! don't you just love big poofy pom poms!!! they look great!

  17. Love your description of the fall... made me laugh because I've done that same type of thing so many times! Glad you weren't seriously hurt. Your store space looks beautiful.

  18. Oh, your booth is just dreamy!! I'd love to see ones like that where I shop! Would you mind sharing how you made that Bliss banner? That's gorgeous; I'd love to make one for my craft room. Hope you're doing well in spite of the fall.


  19. afarmer'sdaughter.comJuly 27, 2010 at 9:00 PM

    Sandi~I'm so glad you are ok!!! I have tripped a couple of times the past few weeks while going down to the basement...of course I always decide late at night that something should be soaking in the washer~LOL! I always wonder how long it would take John to come to my rescue...probably not til the next morning...I would have looked around to see if anyone saw me too~thank goodness Hillis didn't take your picture in your worst moment...! I hope you are steady on your feet today~and wow~I'm comin to Michigan to shop at your booth...LOVE IT!!! xoxoxo Maryann

  20. Oh Miss Sandi, I agree that the first think we think of is "is anybody looking" we would rather have a broken bone than a bruised ego. LOL

    I'm glad to know you're OK, and if it's any comfort the tumble was not in vain, your booth looks divine. And those pom-poms are the icing on the cake!!

    Your hubby sure does have a nack for accenting your story through his pictures, the black & white with the pretty pinks is amazing!

    Big Hug!!


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