Monday, July 26, 2010

RUN {don't walk} to your nearest Michaels store!

Remember when hubby and I went off on a day of
shopping Saturday?

I thought I would show you some of my bargains today.

I picked up every single bird they had like these.
Kept two out and that leaves 6 for the store}
{they are going in my booth at the antique store}

Aren't they so pretty? I am so into the french and neutral
colors these days in my decor, but still love to sell these
colors in my booth.

Not even going to tell you the prices...
it would break your heart.

I will just say that everything I purchased there
was 90 % off.

I also purchased all these pink jars that were left

{there were only three in pink}

and oodles of these candlerings {I counted 14 when I was pricing them this morning}

I forgot to get a picture of a bicycle planter and also a little white bird accent. Get the picture?? You better RUN!

Happy Monday!! Blessings~


  1. I love those birds! So pretty and sweet, I hope you have a wonderful week. Anne

  2. Oh goodness, those birds are just darling! I love the bottles too:) I love Michaels and they seem to always have something on sale these days!

  3. Hi Sandi,oooh, I already bought out all the birdies at our Michaels! I bought out all of their fall ones last year, and then all of the winter birdies too... I just LOVE them and they are perching everywhere in my house... at Christmas time last year, I did a whole tree with nothing with soft lights and glittery birds! Hope you are feeling better today... xoxo Julie Marie

  4. I love those birds too.So cute.The last time I went to Michaels a few weeks ago, they had nothing in our store.The bottles are way to cute.I just have to go and recheck that place LOL.

  5. The birds are fabulous! they have some great tail feathers.

  6. Oh, sweet Sandi, I hope you are ok! We can't take falls gracefully, can we ... You be careful. I took a doozer off the upper terrace wall & you don't EVEN want to see my leg.

    Love LOVE the dog write, I know how he feels in this heat ... so cute.

    Your birds are gorgeous!& PINK bottles, you lucky girl ... dying to see where you take them ... I know something beautiful is a'comin!

    Have a beautiful day, sweet friend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon


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