Sunday, October 3, 2010

Found a new antique store!

We went on a spur of the moment weekend getaway
up to my daughter's place in Burton, Michigan.
We left Friday after hubby got home from work and
just got home late this afternoon.

My daughter told me about an antique store that
she happened to drive past that she thought I would
love and was she ever right!

I thought I would tease you a little with this gorgeous
photo that I took there. I don't remember how much
she was , but looking at the photo now ...

I wish she
was at my place ...
sitting in my yard.

More pictures to come...

Blessed Sunday to you!


  1. She sure is lovely. Glad you had a good weekend.

  2. Sandi, what is the name of the place you discovered? I am only 20 minutes from Burton, and I need a new place to haunt!! I'd love it if you could share! Carol

  3. How beautiful! Maybe she will be there next time... waiting to come home with you... xoxo Julie Marie

  4. I was thinking my garden Sandi! LOL! But I am sure she would look beautiful in yours, and alas, you are closer. I think you have trained your daughter well, if she is alerting you to new shops to visit. Way to go girl.


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