Friday, January 28, 2011

Love in any language

Je t'aime
Ya ti-bya lyu blyu
Ani o hev ot cha
I love you
The sounds are all as different
As the lands from which they came
And though the words are all unique
Our hearts are still the same.
Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here.
{Song lyrics as sung by Sandi Patti}

I think silver is so hard to photograph so these
photos leave a lot to be desired. I did find out
that a tripod is my new best friend though.
I takes me awhile to get into what
everyone else has known and used all along.

Happy Thursday~


  1. More snow in loveland... Blessings sent your way.

  2. what a lovely...lovely post! Those silver hearts are beautiful. wherever did you find them?

  3. I think the photos are lovely. And the hearts are gorgeous. French is my favorite.
    Becky C

  4. Hi Sandi... so pretty!... and I think your silver shows up just beautifully!... I don't have enough patience to mess with a tripod!... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. I have these heart too, just love them. Mine hang on a small branch in a pitcher. Love anything with french writing. judy

  6. Love your candles!!
    and all is lovely too


    barbara jean

  7. Love those silver hearts Sandi!! I'll be on the lookout!


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