Saturday, October 1, 2011

In God's heart I am accepted!

Hey you,

the one wondering if you’re enough,

if you’d be loved if anyone really knew you—

turn your heart this way for a moment,

then lean in and listen close…


You’ve got it.

You don’t have to look any further

than the hands of the One who made you,

the heart of the One who loves you.

You’re welcomed, held,

cherished just as you are

and encouraged to grow

into all you’ll become.

So hold your heart and head high;

look the world in the eyes and say…

“I’m His. I’m loved.

I’m already accepted today.”

–excerpt from God’s Heart for You, Embracing Your True Worth as a Woman by Holley Gerth
It is a joy to open my email each and every day and find a devotion from Holly. They speak to my heart in ways that nothing else can and that alone is a God thing.

Praying that each and every one of you will come to know Him if you don't already. There is nothing else like it in the world. He loves each and every one of us as if there were only one of us.

A few more photos of my hydrangeas and mini boo pumpkins for you this Saturday evening. It has been so cold here today in Michigan , but next week we get warmth back. YAY! I am so glad because there are a few things we need to get done around the old homestead before winter sets in that have been put off for far too long.  :)

Blessed weekend to each and every one of you~


  1. Thank you for this beautiful reminder of God's love for me!

  2. That is beautiful! So important for each and every one of us to hear that we are loved and cherished. Your blooms are pretty too. Thanks for such a inspiring post.


  3. Thank you for this beautiful post!!

    Blessings to you,


  4. ...A-men sista!!

    it is all to easy to sell ourselves short and think ~ why bother?!
    but i have come to know that there will ALWAYS be those that are more lovely, more talented, with more monies to spend...etc...etc...
    i also know that each and every one of us are unique and each of us has a gift to share that only we have been given to share!!
    when our time on this earth is up, our individual gifts leave with us too!
    so instead of asking ~ "what's in your wallet?"
    i'd rather be asked ~ "how did you use your gift today?"

    love ya' girlie! shine on and sparkle:)

  5. What a sweet reminder! I'm so glad he accepts us as we are, but doesn't leave us that way. :)
    Thanks for posting this, Sandi.

  6. Such sweet and true words! I love your mini white pumpkins, super cute!

  7. That was a beautiful post Sandi. Thank you for sharing it. I needed it today.


  8. Hi,,ohh i love this pictures,,it´s a very romantic autumn impression,,perfect Belinda

  9. ohh i love this romantic autumn impression,,it´s perfect..belinda

  10. So very beautiful and something that is great to be reminded of daily ~ I love that my Heavenly Father is always with me ~


  11. What a sweet reminder to start the day with ... And your photos are beautiful!


  12. Your presentation is just filled with love & beautyThis will hold me up thru what's to come yet today ... TY, sweet Sandi! Pray we get thru it easily ...

    Now who may I ask , is Holly?! Would love to read her ...

    Without Him, we are nothing!

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~
    Hugs of love,

  13. Thank you for a beautiful post this precious Sunday. andrea@townandprairie

  14. Like the childs song says..... Jesus love me this I know... For the Bible tells me so ......
    Lovely post!!

  15. God has been reaching out to me in many ways, too lately. I am listening to the audio book 1000 Gifts. I hope to be able to share some of what I am learning soon. It has a very powerful message. Thank you for spreading the Good News. I love you, too.

  16. This is a message from the Netherlands, by accedent I come to your blog and read the words that God is with me and loves me. I want to thank you for these words today. By the way, I love your blog.
    greetings Petra


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