Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Too many pumpkins??

Can a person have too many pumpkins for fall decorating?  I have purchased a few different kinds this year and will be showing them in an upcoming blog post, but for now...white mini boos again for White Wednesday.
They look right at home with my Peacock Park goodies and some vintage flower frogs don't they?

This little cement bird is watching carefully over the little boos.

A little wooden fence even looks right at home with them.

I puchased this french pumpkin from Cloth and Patina. Love it!

Photo of yours truly. Was playing around with my camera today and taking photos in a mirror reflection so I thought I would add one. lol.

Have a beautiful White Wednesday this week and be sure and visit all the other lovely blogs that Kathleen over at Faded Charm links up every week.


  1. I love the little white pumpkins, very sweet :)

  2. what the Vintage Farmhouse said and I love the French pumpkin....very clever. HWW

  3. Never too many pumpkins. Love the mirror image.

  4. Hey Cutie! love pumpkins, especially white ones!!

  5. one can NEVER have enough pumpkins..especially when they look as cute as those! ;)

  6. I love your little white pumpkins and how you have them displayed.

  7. Never too many pumpkins-I am frustrated because our grocery stores have no white ones this year!:(

  8. I ALWAYS end up clicking on your thumbnails! I absolutely love your vintage flower frogs, cement bird and your real white pumpkins. Mine are all fake ones! Until next time...

  9. Nope. I bought a bunch of those little white pumpkins. You can sprinkle them everywhere. Nice vignettes.

  10. Hey Pretty Lady!!!
    Love little white pumpkins and flower frogs...together it is perfection for me! Pinning away!

  11. Too many pumpkins....I think not! Nice to "see" you!

  12. Who's that pretty girl? You once told me I was brave for putting up a photo of me...who's brave now? It's nice to have a face with a name:)

  13. Sandi...You are so patient with me, thank you. I have been trying to leave comments, lots, most won't go thru or totally disappear.I have been loving your posts. All the displays of pumpkins, the hydrangas, wonderful. You must have succeeded on your diet...you are looking good girl, Susie


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