Saturday, November 12, 2011


Back on October 28, I won a blog giveaway from High Street Cottage for 100 free postcards. I have spent many hours days trying to get one designed that I was happy with! {no easy feat on dial-up internet I might add} When I wasn't cleaning, cooking, shopping or playing I was trying to figure out a design that I really liked.
I put together this collage...

and this one...

yet another one...

and this plain photo and guess what????
 I ended up using NONE of them!! Oh heavens...I love to win things and believe me I am so grateful, but this about drove me to the madhouse. hee hee. I am not a postcard designer and we will see how they actually turn out. They may not even be fit to look at, but hey I tried.
I know this lace and spools photo is an old one, but I am still in love with it and it is one of my most favorite photos ever so I will tell you that it is part of the design I chose, but otherwise it looks nothing like these. Keeping my fingers crossed that they will turn out okay.
{I hope to get back to checking in with more of your blogs soon since I have this behind me now}


  1. ...hhhmmmm...let's see here...

    --> lots o' pretties ~ check
    --> dreamy white photo's ~ check
    = a pretty postcard ~ priceless!

    i have no doubt, whatever photo you chose, was simply FAB-U-LOUS!!

    xo, Rosemary

  2. I am with Rosemary on this one Sandi...I know they will be beautiful! The madhouse huh? Do you get to have visitors????
    I love your beautiful stars in your post before!

  3. Oh Sandi, I am sooo sure it will be lovely!! My pic was the last photo!! Love it!

    Have a joyful Sunday!!

  4. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  5. O, I love the little image with the cameo! andrea@towmandprairie

  6. Oh my Sandi, all of those look heavenly! Mine can't compare believe me, I love all the pretty whites you chose! Can't wait to see the end result, and thanks for the link, you're too sweet!

  7. Now I am very curious. But I am not worried at all because you make such great things. The price you won is very special by the way. Love Petra

  8. so curious to see what you finally chose! keep us posted! xoox

  9. I so know what it is like to fixate on a project...I hope YOU love them and I can't wait to see them!

  10. Hi Sandi...I love them all!
    I have been trying to create some too. Decisions, decisions!

  11. Anything you chose would be beautiful, because everything you do is beautiful!!



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