Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Seeing stars...Jeanne d' Arc style again :)

I am cheating today and putting up another quick post for White Wednesday. I have been working on these Jeanne d' arc style stars and just didn't want to wait until next Wednesday to show you all. However, maybe I should have waited because the lighting here today is terrible to say the least!! Gloomy day so I am sorry for the not so great pictures. Hopefully you will be able to see past them and just look at the pretty stars. :)


{this bead bling is way too long so I need to shorten it up a bit}

and more stars! :)

I added earrings to some and other bling to others.

Thought they turned out pretty neat for starting out as plain wooden stars. I did use the Martha Stewart tinsel glitter on the sides of the, but it is not showing up well in the photos at all.
Hope you don't mind that I cheated a little and added another White Wednesday post!!

Happy day!


  1. You are so sneaky Sandi, adding another post!... but I am so happy you did, your stars are just gorgeous!!! xoxo Julie Marie

  2. You have been busy Sandi! Your stars are lovely, bad lighting or not! I better run to TJMaxx to get some of that tinsel in your previous post.
    Happy WW!
    - Susan

  3. "cheat" away! these are gorgeous!!

  4. The stars are beautiful. They wil look very pretty into the christmas tree. And I am so greatful that you send me a message so often. Thanks. Love Petra

  5. Sandi ~
    Those are beautiful !! I love anything Jeanne D'Arc style !

  6. Beautiful post and stars!

    barbara jean

  7. The stars are just beautiful and any tree would be wonderful with these hanging on it :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  8. That is very creative and beautiful :D

  9. Very pretty Sandi.... Pretty with your angel wings also...

  10. These are so lovely, Sandi! Just love seeing what you come up with!! Always such fun, and so pretty!
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. These turned out so cute! I love them1

  12. I should have waited with my angel wing order and gotten a few stars, too. Oh well. Another time. Love the stars.
    I had entered the postcard giveaway, too. I am sooooo glad you won it.
    You are so busy. Be careful not to overdue things. I don't want to getting ill.
    *Hugs* dear friend

  13. Hey Sandi - I forgot to thank you so much for the beautiful JDA star and French postal card that you included in my purchase. They are so pretty - and I used them in my JDA Christmas decor! ♥ Luv ya, toots!

    xoxo laurie


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