Monday, June 18, 2012

Fun with herbs and Invincible Spirit hydrangea

Do you remember your mother using this type of contraption...a vintage colander??  Mine did and I
even did a couple times or so, but I haven't in many years so I decided to put it to better use!

I think it turned out so cute that I wish I had a zillion more of these colanders because then I would
 plant them all up and have a sale!! How cute is this??!! This one is planted with spearmint.

L.O.V.E. this one as well. I found this cutie while antiquing last week. In the same mall I saw a few of these
little strainers that ran the gamet from $4 to $14!  Bet you can't guess what one I purchased!! lol

I also wanted to show you my new hydrangeas that are called *Invincible Spirit*. I purchased two of
these plants last year at the end of the season for $5 each instead of $24 each and I am amazed by how
many flowers on on them already this year! They were certainly named appropiately! Makes me wish
 I had purchased every single plant that they had!! 

These are much more tinier and more delicate petals than any hydrangeas I have had before,
but I just love them. 

Just look at the hundreds of tiny petals.

Yes, I got carried away taking photos again, but hey...what is a camera for right? *giggle*

Oh yes, did you notice my new blog header??  I just made that today and I am having fun making some
more so I can switch them out. Thanks so much to June of Laughing with Angels for giving me the
link to the tutorial!!

We are also thanking the Lord today for the much needed rain that we received yesterday!! I wanted
to dance around and play in the puddles, but we were on the road so I didn't really think it would
be too appropriate to jump out of the car in traffic and do that. I may have just been a *splat* on
the road then. yikes!!! Just kidding...we are trusting Him for more rain soon.


  1. Oh yes I do...but it never looked as good as yours does now!!! x0x0

  2. Your new header is great-I noticed it right away. Those hydrangeas are so pretty--is it the regular kind you can cut for the house? I bought one last year that is beautiful for outside but the cut flowers wilt immediately. The nursery told me it is a different type of Hydrangea. Yours is so delicate--really pretty!

  3. Adore June! She is one beautiful soul.

    Your header is gorgeous, Sandi. I got a new makeover also.

    What a neat idea for the utensils of yore. Yes, I have used both often, but not much anymore.

    Come take a peek at our newest 'fun' & meet our blogger who came back, you will adore her.

    TTFN ~
    Have a lovely day ~

  4. Oh I love your colander planting. And your hydrangea is wonderful. I love hydrangeas. Please don't jump out of cars and dance in the puddles.

  5. Beautiful header, Sandi! And that little hydrangea is just so stinkin' adorable! ;)

    xoxo laurie

  6. I do remember using those old colanders! I wish I had a few, too :)
    Love the new header! I need to do a change as well, I might have to check out that tutorial, thanks for sharing.


  7. Your plants and containers look so pretty :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  8. Those are beautiful hydrangeas! I've never seen a variety like that before. We've had great luck with the oak leaf type, but not the regular. And yes, your new header is lovely!

  9. Love the old colanders planted with herbs. And, you hydrangea is beautiful. Love your new header too.
    Would you mind giving me the link to the tutorial?

  10. Love how you are using those old strainers! Will you share the link with me too...I'd love to do a new header!


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