Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lavender's blue,dilly dilly...

...lavender's green... do you remember that song?  I don't remember all of it , but that song is
always running through my head whenever I see lavender.

I decided to take a few photos when my lavender was in bloom a week or so ago.
I didn't pick it because my plant really isn't large enough yet, but I still wanted to share
it with you.

It has the most fragrant scent when it first buds out and that is the perfect time for picking.
{before it actually flowers} 

I love it in any form...flowering or not! :)

For some reason it looks more blue in this photo than lavender, but that's okay. :)

Praying you have a wonderful Sunday and a Happy Fathers Day to all the amazing
Fathers out know who you are!! :)


  1. Lavender is my favorite flower and scent! I picked some a week or so ago and made lavender bread -- you don't need more than just a few tablespoons and it's so good! I like making lavender tea with the buds too! Your pictures are lovely!

  2. Your lavender is just beautiful. Mine are kind of straggly.

  3. I love that you reminded me of that song. I haven't heard it in forever but can hear it in my head now.

    I do love lavender as well.

    God bless you, Amy

  4. Both your lavendar and your photos are beautiful,Sandi. I have a plant right as you walk down the steps from my front porch and every time the dogs go down they rub against it send off the most aromatic lovely scent:-)

    Hope you are enjoying the start to Summer.


  5. Your lavender is so pretty! It is one of my favorite scents, but I never realized how pretty it is bloomed. i need to plant some!

  6. Thanks for the reminder to cut mine! The fragrance sure is heavenly.

  7. I've always loved lavender and my mother used to sing that song .... now I'm gong to have to google for the lyrics.

  8. My lavender died:(...yours is so the light in your photos...hope you are well!

  9. what beautiful photos of lavender. I hope one day to be able to take photos like that. You are certainly talented.


  10. I planted some smaller ones this year, hoping they come back next year. Yours is lookin good!

  11. Oh man Sandi, I love your header and all the beautiful photos of lavender! It looks awesome.

    My lavender is now just getting it's bloom and I will be harvesting it soon before it flowers. It is so hard to cut because as much as I would love to enjoy it longer, I love to have it for sachets.
    sending hugs....

  12. You Lavender of beauty is divine, mine is beginning to really take off this year with the best health and beauty FINALLY !! :)

    Come visit I am having a soulful GiveAway!
    Would love to include you in the mix.



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