Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just a little grass fire

This is what happens when hubby sets fire to the trash and then goes back in the house
and watches TV.

It just wound it's way all and there and everywhere.

Very thankful we have a hydrant close by or this could have had very different results.

yes we know we are in a drought, but we did get some rain...

I had spent most of the day at my parents house to sit with my mom while my dad ran a few
errands.  I left to come home about 5 pm and returned home to this mess.

I guess it shows how tired I was because even driving in the driveway I did not notice that the
yard was on fire!! I noticed smoke and thought *ahhh hubby finally burned the accumulated
trash*. I pulled into the garage and when I got out of the car to walk in the house I realized
it wasn't the trash but the yard! EEK!!  Hubby said there wasn't even the slightest breeze
when he lit it...things sure happen fast.

 So thankful I got home when I did or we may have been homeless today or at the least
lost our outbuildings. Dad and mom had told me I should stay for supper and help them
eat their food that others have brought in for them {or dinner depending on where
 you are from}, but I just wanted to get this tired body home and I am so thankful I did.

{mom came home Friday and is doing well, but please continue to pray. Thank you
so much for all your good wishes and prayers. I can't even begin to respond to each
of you individually}


  1. Yikes! You were lucky that it didn't burn down the buildings! I hope that hubby has learned his lesson, LOL! Glad to hear that your mom is out of the hospital and on the road to recovery. Bless her heart, she's been through an ordeal.

  2. Oh my goodness!!!
    You are ever so lucky it didn't get to the buildings!!!
    Someone was looking out for you :)

    Suzann ~xoxo~

  3. Oh my so glad it didn't do more damage! when i was lil I threw a hairspray can into a burning barrel and blew up our shop.Scary! Thank god I didn't get burned during the ordeal.I was helping I guess.
    Prayers and best wishes for your Mom~Blessings Kim

  4. So glad it did not get out of hand. My husband is a volunteer fireman and we know how easy it can become a tragedy. Our area is in a no fire zone due to being so dry. Glad to hear about your mom.

  5. So glad your mom is resting comfortably. I know that you were worried about your home burning down, but I'll have to tell you about my brother doing exactly the same thing, after the lawn looked like that we had the nicest grass. It was weird.

  6. Oh my goodness--you didn't need this but at least it wasn't as bad as it could of been! Take care!

  7. Oh my goodness--you didn't need this but at least it wasn't as bad as it could of been! Take care!

  8. Oh my goodness--you didn't need this but at least it wasn't as bad as it could of been! Take care!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. So lucky it didn't get out of hand. Fire is so quick. Hubby freaks when I even light a match. He's the safety one and I'm more like your hubby. I guess he's learned his lesson.


  11. Hi Sandi ~ so happy you came home when you did!! Glad it didn't spread any further. Hoping your Mom is doing better, keeping you all in my prayers.

  12. I'm so glad everything worked out and sometimes things happen for a reason. Also glad to hear your Mom is home:-)

    Lots to be thankful for!


  13. Yikes! You've really been through it lately! Praying that things get better for you soon! ♥

  14. So glad it did not get close to our little hose. =)

    Can you tell I am catching up. Hardly have time for blogland any more.


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