Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One lonely little photo...

...that is all I have for you today and it was a challenge to get this one up. lol.

I have been making a few signs for the Artisan fair in August that I am going to
be in.  We put up a few new fences this year and a couple of them were a bit too
tall so we trimmed them off. Had to do something EASY and creative with the
wood so this is it so far.

Mom is doing well and my sister came up from PA to help out this week and that
is a huge blessing!! I must go and get busy again so until later...


  1. Dear Sandi, I'm very sorry to read about your Mom. It's great that she's doing better now and you got some help from your sister. What a shame that you had that fire on your yard. This could have end up much worse though. Good thing you came home early enough.
    The signs are beautiful. I love each and every one.
    Sending hugs to you,

  2. I'm catching up with your posts, Sandi. What a wonderful daughter you are, and a strong family you have. I'll say prayers for your Mom and for you. Take care, Susan

  3. Glad to hear your Mother is doing better, Sandi. You will enjoy sister being there, I know.

    Love the signs, great way to use the wood.

    Have a great day ~
    TTFN ~

  4. sometimes...ONE little photo inspires creativity more than a dozen could. LOVE these! tutorial??? (your mum is in my prayers)

  5. Thank you for sharing your life with us. It reminds us to think of others and cherish the time we have here. I love the inspiration you give.
    In Him,

  6. I've been following you...just not commenting...wanted you to know that I will pray for your mother...and you as you serve her.
    PS...I am so thankful that the fire was contained!

  7. Hi Sandi, Just came by to visit your site. I will pray for your mom to get better.
    That was close with the grass fire. I worry about our neighbor's burning....they have burned when we have a burn ban going on inour county.
    Love the little signs. Smiles, Susie


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