Saturday, July 28, 2012

So stinkin' cute! {and signs for sale}

Can you say CUTE?????? My little granddaughter Keira captured by her daddy
or mommy. Not sure at this point which one because I swiped it off of facebook.
Grandparents have a right to do that you know! lol  I think I see a model in the
making!! :)

On another quick note it appears that Artisan fair that I was going to be in
is not going to happen after all so I am listing a few signs in my Etsy store.

My  mom is doing better each day. She is walking without the walker now
and is also fixing some light meals. My sister was here this past week and
we did some cleaning and helped cook along with anything else that
needed to be done. Please continue to pray that God will totally heal her
and that she will be dancing on the table soon!! ha!


  1. Little girls have so much style! My daughter loves to play dress up, too!

  2. Both just too sweet! =)


  3. Love the picture of your Granddaughter--she reminds me of my daughters at that age. All that girly attitude! Nice signs too:)


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