Friday, September 21, 2012


I can truly say that FALL is my favorite season! I do love the other seasons also,
but there is just something about autumn and the beautiful fall colors that
grabs all my attention and doesn't let go until winter is upon us.

Hubby and I hopped in his little ole' truck last weekend and drove up and down the
back roads hunting for bittersweet. It is so hard to come by now,  so I was thrilled
 when we found a small patch.

I don't use much color in my fall decorating except for some bittersweet when I can
find it. {The hooks above are where I hang all my extra until I find the exact spot
where I want to place in my decor}

I  really think that a branch of it here and there is all that is needed to announce that

Just the right touch of fall above my french themed frame.

I remember my mom collecting bittersweet from the time I was very young. She started
 the tradition and now since she isn't able to get out and look for it , I share mine with
 her. We were very lucky to find any this year. I want to plant my own, but I have to find
 the plants first. I tried it one year only to read later that you need a male plant and a
female plant for it to produce berries. Who knew?? :)

I will say that if you have little children , I do NOT recommend it as it is poisonous.

This is my welcome sign just inside the back door that I have probably shared with you before. I found
 this old frame a couple years ago at a garage sale for $1.00. I painted it white and added a board that I
painted with chalkboard paint. I love it!

A few gourds along with bittersweet in my front porch decor. Will try to get more pictures later
and not just a *snippet*. lol

Delicious autumn! My very would is wedded to it and
if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking

 the successive autumns.
~ George Eliot



  1. It looks very pretty with your whites, Sandi! I didn't know that Bittersweet grew in Michigan. I never saw any the 5 years I lived there but it may have been our particular location. I did see plenty in virginia though and I miss it. it was fun to pick and place here and there. I wonder if it would grow here in Idaho. I'd love to plant some when we buy our own place again. It might get too hot and dry here for it, though I'll have to research it...

    Hope you have a great day! ♥

  2. Oh that looks so simple and not too much. Lovely! With kids and pets I won't be adding it to my decorating--I am glad you mentioned the poisonous part!

  3. I never knew that beautiful vine was called Bittersweet. It looks so lovely with your fall decorations. I'll have to see if we can find some here!


  4. I love bittersweet! I bought a bunch of it last fall...oh, what a mess it made though. Your first photo is so pretty with the vines hanging there. Hope you have a good weekend :)

  5. I have always loved using bittersweet for autumn and winter decor, Sandi. There's just something so earthy and simple about it, but it makes a huge impact in the room. Your's looks so pretty! :)

    xoxo laurie

  6. Such a beautiful addition to your Fall decor. I love bittersweet, but it doesn't grow around here and can be very costly to buy.

    Thnaks for sharing your with us and hope you are enjoying your weekend!


  7. LOVE Bittersweet although I've never grown it (so funny about the 'male' and 'female' plant thing!). You've found some lovely ways to incorporate it into your decor. AND, that quote you have from Eliot . . . I have that framed for my fall mantle! Just started decorating today so I'll be posting it soon.

  8. Oh I love all your vignettes-gorgeous! I'm your newest follower :)

  9. So as I was reading, I was thinking I've never heard of bittersweet and it looks neat for fall and that I should maybe find some.....then I read the poison part. The tiny tot terror has been known to point at random objects, ask if she can eat it and pop it in her mouth before she gets an answer. Soooo no bittersweet for me. I love your decor using it though!

  10. Oh Sandi...I am in love with your new header!!!!!
    Looking for bittersweet myself to use in my displays for the show this weekend!


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